Food around your house - Lamium purpurea, Veronica Persica, Taraxacum officinale

What food you can find around your house

Foraging is not only having very long walks in the woods, but many common plants can be found just in our closest surroundings and used for delicious dishes or herbal medicine.

This weekend I was not feeling well, so I didn’t want to take a walk around the forest. Nevertheless, I wanted to cook some wild plants-based dishes and started to look right outside my house and found over 20 plants just by taking approximately 20 steps.

Have a look here:

If you’re interested in the common names in English, German or Italian, you can go through the list at the end of this post (order according to video). As you have probably seen, the last ones (Thyme, Marjoram Parsley, …) are wild plants though in this case, they have been planted some years ago by me. Since then they are an important part of my daily menus and let’s not do any discrimination, there are just too good to be left out.

I started this post, writing that I was not feeling too well, but still wanted to cook something with wild herbs. So, I created Dandelion noodles and as an extra I added some Ribwort plantain leaves. With the same leaves I made as well a tea.

Home-made dandelion noodles

    Home-made dandelion noodles

Dandelion grows pretty much everywhere and is used for upset stomach, muscle aches, eczema and bruises. Whereas the Ribwort plantain provides improvement in respiratory health and helps to relax. Both plants are bitter, so I recommend to use rather the young leaves since the concentration is not so high. Besides the bitterness, the Ribwort plantain reminds me a bit of mushrooms.

Have you had a look at the video and have you already tried out some recipes with one of the list? If you want to know more about a plant (properties, usage) comment below!


Plants from the video

Latin English Deutsch Italiano
Veronica Persica Common Field-speedwell Persischer Ehrenpreis Occhi della Madonna di Persia
Stellaria media Chickweed Vogelmiere Centocchio comune
Lamium purpureum Red-dead nettle Purpurrote Taubnessel Falsa ortica purpurea
Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Löwenzahn Dente di leone
Ajuga reptans Blue bugle Kriechender Günsel Bugola
Prunus persica Peach Pfirsich Pesco
Plantago lanceolata Ribwort plantain Spitzwegerich Piantaggine
Bellis perennis Lawn daisy Gänseblümchen Pratolina comune
Fragaria vesca Wild strawberries Wald-Erdbeere Fragola di bosco
Viola odorata Sweet violet Duftveilchen Violetta odorosa
Cardamine hirsuta Hairy bittercress Behaartes Schaumkraut Crescione primaticcio
Urtica dioica Stinging nettle Brennessel Ortica
Primula vulgaris Common primrose Stängellose Schlüsselblume Primula comune
Alliaria petilota Garlic Mustard Knoblauchsrauke Alliaria comune
Malva sylvestris Common mallow Wilde Malve Malva selvatica
Salvia officinalis Sage Salbei Salvia
Thymus vulgaris Thyme Thymian Timo comune
Origanum majorana Marjoram Majoran Maggiorana
Petroselinum crispum Parsley Petersilie Prezzemolo riccio
Helichrysum italicum Curry plant Currykraut Elicriso italiano
Menta x piperita Peppermint Pfefferminz Menta piperita


Daniela Bruderer

I'm a nature geek, it gives me a good balance to my frenetic working and studying life. My mission? Making nature cool again!

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4 thoughts on “What food you can find around your house

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    Love from a fellow plant lover and alchemist

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