Die Suche nach dem perfekten Podcast Thema

Hallo liebe angehende Podcasterinnen und Podcaster! ?? In diesem Blogbeitrag dreht sich alles um die Suche nach dem perfekten Thema für euren Podcast. Du hast schon oft darüber nachgedacht, deinen eigenen Podcast zu starten, aber du weisst nicht genau, welches Thema du wählen sollst? Keine …

Pregnancy VS Diabetes

What is Gestational Diabetes? As someone who hopes to have a family one day, I find it incredibly important to learn about the various health aspects that can affect both me and my loved ones. One topic that I recently came across during my research …

5 Tips on Making Your First Game

After looking at platforms where you can find your potential gaming community for your upcoming game, we move on to some tips of how to develop a game successfully. There are many mistakes new developers can make at the beginning of their developing careers that …

Buying food in Secend.ch ?

Food produced but not consumed leads to unnecessary CO2/emissions, biodiversity loss, and water and land consumption. Did you know that the food system accounts for about 28 % of Switzerland’s food footprint? Many products are wasted because they are not considered culturally edible, not because they are. For example, some foods still have 3 to…