AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Mahnaz Shahid

Thirty years ago, Mahnaz Shahid´s family took the courageous step of moving to Switzerland when she was just 8 years old. Alongside her family, she fled her homeland and made a stopover in Vietnam. Her father, a diplomat, had to travel to Vietnam for work, and the family decided to accompany him. Initially, their plan…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Horia Hashimi It is essential that no woman feels the need to conceal her identity. Afghan women in Switzerland should be empowered to cultivate a sense of belonging and truly feel at home here. – Horia Hashimi “Empowering Afghan women in Switzerland to embrace their identities and find a sense of belonging, so that they can…

Eco-tourism in Brazil- Amazonia

With a territory that covers nine countries, it is home to the largest biodiversity on the planet: there are more than 40 thousand species of plants, 1,300 species of birds, 3 thousand types of fish, 430 different mammals, and 2.5 million species of insects! besides …

Eco-tourism in Brazil- Amazonia ASMR

I was thinking what should I writte about Amazon rainforest. But I believe I dont need explain the general details because I know – actually I really hope so!- that all or most of the people know the importancy of this ecosystem.   As a …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Lençóis Maranhenses   Lençóis Maranhenses is one of the most magnificent destinations in our country. Its desert dunes combined with the crystalline water lagoons form a unique landscape! It is located in the state of Maranhao, North of Brazil. The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Chapada dos Veadeiros

The Chapada dos Veadeiros, located in the interior of Goiás, is known for its mystical climate and stunning landscapes. One thing is a fact: Chapada is passionate, and always makes you want to go back, or maybe not even leave!   Chapada is known as …

Eco-tourism in Brazil: Bonito

You need to know this paradise destination that is Bonito! During your trip you will be in constant contact with nature, which is a great way to relax and enjoy the moment in complete introspection. Bonito is located in Mato Grosso do Sul: How to …

Corporate Events planen: Dienstleistungsqualität at it’s finest

Entscheidungen treffen leicht gemacht! Fällt es dir schwer im Venue-Dschungel die richtige Location auszuwählen? Oder findest du die vagen Unterschiede nicht? Hast du Angst die falsche Entscheidung zu treffen? Da können wir Abhilfe schaffen. Wir zeigen dir nämlich, warum und wieso du dich beim nächsten …