Keep inspiring and getting inspired

Hi beautiful people! I would like to take the opportunity today to talk about female inspiration; going from female entrepreneurship to social achievements. To get some examples of female figures of inspiration, I asked the question to my followers…  I’m sure that you also might …

Facial Coding as a Neuromarketing Tool

WHAT IS FACIAL CODING AND HOW DOES IT WORKS FOR NEUROMARKETING PURPOSES This is a neuromarketing method that do not focus on recording brain activity, it aims to identify and measure micro-expressions that code non-conscious reactions, based on the activity of the facial muscles. …

Reality Checking the Neuromarketing reach. Over the past articles, we explored neuromarketing or consumer neuroscience research techniques that aim at getting insights into the consumer decision-making process through methods that sound, almost out of a science fiction movie, such as brain scans, eye-tracking, and palm readings. These techniques you …

Let’s talk @ FemUnity: Event Management

Hi there, We are back with the second video of this mini video serie, this time sharing our experience on event management @ FemUnity. We talk for instance about the obstacles that we meet, but also what we aim at doing during our events… Enjoy …

How to HubSpot: Chatbots

HubSpot bietet die Möglichkeit einen Livechat auf der eigenen Webseite einzubinden. Aber das ist noch längst nicht alles: Auch Chatbots sind in HubSpot möglich. Bereits in der Sales-Starter-Version können einfache Chatbots eingerichtet werden, die Leads qualifizieren, Meetings vereinbaren oder sogar Kundentickets erstellen. Im Video erkläre …

How to HubSpot: Was kostet der Spass?

Bis jetzt haben wir immer nur über Funktionen gesprochen. In diesem Artikel stelle ich euch die Kosten für das Tool zusammen. Damit ihr etwa wisst, was ihr rechnen müsst und ab wann welche Funktionen freigeschaltet werden. 1. Kostenlose Funktionen In der kostenlosen Version von HubSpot …