First thing first: The basics

Hi and welcome back! As I mentioned in my last post, you’ll need just a few items for a quick start into the game. I thought a lot about how create this list, so you’ll be able to get all the necessary information you need.

? Superskill Körpersprache: Welcher Denktyp bist du?

⏱️ Lesezeit: 5 Minuten.  Du willst Menschen lesen können? Verständlich! Beginn mit Körpersprache. Denn der Körper zeigt, was im Inneren von jemandem vorgeht. Dieser Artikel erklärt welche drei unterschiedlichen Denktypen es gibt, wie du sie schnell erkennst und wie du mit ihnen umgehen solltest. In anderen …

Inside the Blogger: Transferring Emotion

What separates your favourite book from your last blog post? Why is the interaction with your favourite clothing store a lifestyle activity while an insurance salesperson is just that, an annoying salesperson. The difference is subtle and decisive – your purpose. The reason why Neil …

Millennials in the Working Place

Last week I started my blog series, where I want to give some inputs on how managers and leaders should work together with Millennials. With my first blog post Smartphones – the new addiction of the 21st century? I wanted to highlight how Millennials take …

The “Full-Stack” Creator

The world of technology is constantly being updated. New programs and updates emerge every single day, that you sometimes think you just can’t keep up. One of the biggest challenges in this online world is to determine in which angle you want to position yourself …

Welcome to my Adventure

Okay. Here we go. I’m Kim. And I am, somehow, a nerd. I love all those weird stuffs. Games. Anime. Manga. Drawing. But most of all: Fantasy. Really. My mind is exploding sometimes with ideas. Like… Waking up in the morning after a creepy dream …