Vermarktung deines Shopify Stores

Im heutigen Blogbeitrag erfährst Du interessante Insights zu der Vermarktung deines Shopify-Stores mit den Plattformen Instagram und Facebook und was es zu beachten gilt. Heute wage ich mich an ein Podcast-Format. Als Gast habe ich heute Dominic Müller, Social Media Experte und ebenfalls Shopify-Interessent. Viel …

Philippines’ Social “Narcotic” Site

Ask anyone in the Philippines what comes to mind when they think of social media, odds are they will say “Facebook.” According to Statscounter, 88.4% of social media users in the country are active on Facebook. As of February 2020, the social networking giant has …

Peeking through the Gender Gap in Switzerland

Over the years, women, globally, have been working hard to close the gender gap in terms of welfare rights, salary, policies and many other aspects. While the strive to gender equality has seen improvements in most developing countries over the years, it is astounding that …