A Mushing Adventure in Finnish Lapland

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog! If you’re into adventures that leave your nose frosty and your heart warm, you’ve hit the jackpot. I’m about to take you on a wild ride through Finnish Lapland, where the snow is endless, and the dogs are not …

Smart Student Recipes – Mediterrane Küche

Mediterrane Küche für das Studentenleben: Gesund, Günstig und Geschwind! ? Hallo liebe Studenten! ?‍??‍? Du kennst es bestimmt: Zwischen Vorlesungen, Lernsessions, Arbeit und Partys bleibt kaum Zeit für gesunde Ernährung, geschweige denn fürs Kochen. Aber keine Sorge! Ich habe die perfekte Lösung für dich: die …

AI Marketing

The power of AI to automate decision making processes in marketing. It involves utilising AI technologies to collect and analyse data, as well as observe audience behaviour and economic trends that impact marketing initiatives. AI marketing includes various cases, such as data analysis, content generation, …

AI and its real value to companies.

AI has narrowed the gap between businesses and technology, it reduced the burden of tasks on skilled individuals and it has helped in easing decisions making processes. AI’s powerful reasoning and contextualising ability are now making business to be more proactive with their forecasts and …

How AI is used across various business functions?

AI has an impact on various business functions. Let’s discuss some of them. * Content Generation: Tools like Chat GPT, Google Bard, and Jasper enable users to input text prompts to quickly generate new written content such as outlines, emails or blog posts. Tools like …

How AI affects Business Models?

  AI is reshaping how companies operate. AI is used in different business to automate tasks, improve data analytics and make decisions more quickly. Main trends in AI require tools, such as Chat GPT and machine learning. AI can improve decision making by helping identify …