Eating on the go in Lucerne

I have been living vegan for a while now. While I am still adjusting to my new form of living there is a particularly big challenge which I have yet to master: eating on the go. Before turning vegan I could just walk in to …

Insider’s Guide to Keto: Sweet Treats ?

Welcome back! ??‍♀️ Craving something sweet but worried about sticking to your keto diet? Fear not! Today I bring you two irresistible recipes: a rich and creamy keto cheesecake and some delightful keto cookies. Plus, we’ve included one video to make the process even easier! …

Vielfalt im Training: Erfolg durch ganzheitliche Übungen

Vielfalt und Ausgewogenheit sind bei Sportübungen ebenso wichtig wie bei der Ernährung. Egal, ob du deine allgemeine Fitness steigern, deine Ausdauer verbessern, einen attraktiven Körper formen oder einfach Spass an der Bewegung haben möchtest – dieser letzte Blogbeitrag bietet dir wertvolle Tipps und Übungen, die …

Your Productivity Content Hub

Hello, productivity students! Is your productivity already peaking on an all time high with my previous tipps and tricks? This blog now serves as a dynamic Content Hub, designed to guide you through a plethora of resources and insights, all geared towards boosting your productivity. …