Global Wanderlust: Exploring the World at 18

Stepping into adulthood at 18, I found myself at a crossroads filled with excitement, uncertainty, and a burning desire for adventure. Never having traveled alone before, the prospect of stepping into the unknown was both exhilarating and daunting. With aspirations of furthering my education, I …

Köstlich gesund: zuckerfreie Apfel-Zimt-Bällchen

Suchst du nach gesünderen Snackoptionen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Blogpost geht es nämlich genau um das. Ich werde dir ein Rezept für Apfel-Zimt-Bällchen zeigen. Manchmal ist es eine echte Herausforderung, Leckereien zu finden, die unsere Gelüste stillen, jedoch ohne zusätzlichen Zucker. …

SwissDayTrip: Aareschlucht- Thun- Bern

Welcome back to my travel blog series dedicated to exploring Switzerland economically through its efficient public transport system, primarily utilizing SBB services, thanks to various travel passes such as the Swiss Friend Pass for those under 25, the Swiss Travel Pass, or the GA Travelcard …

Vegan Salmon Substitute

Missing Salmon: A Vegan’s Dilemma As I journey deeper into the realms of veganism, there’s one dish that still tugs at my heartstrings: salmon. The pink flesh, the delicate flavor, the versatility in recipes – it’s a seafood lover’s dream. Yet, despite my longing for …