In this video, we examine the crucial role that customization plays in modern advertising and the ways in which AI may be applied to provide clients with customized interactions. We begin by talking about how clients anticipate a specific encounter when engaging with organizations and why personalisation is essential for building client loyalty and boosting revenue.
The use of AI to analyze client data and spot patterns and trends that humans would be unable to pick up on follows. We examine how these data may be used by AI algorithms to provide highly relevant customized suggestions and offers for every single consumer, and we give examples of how organizations can utilize AI to produce these personalized recommendations and offers for their clients.
The purpose of this video is to provide viewers with a clear knowledge of how AI may be utilized to provide consumers with customized experiences and the significance of striking a balance between personalization and privacy and security issues.
Very nice video!
Video was well made and informative.
Hi Ali
Very interesting take on AI and good to note the cyber security issues. I think there is a tipping point to how much AI can offer personalisation, when the personal data gathered is just too much.
Personally I don`t mind, but many do! Keep up the good work!
Very helpful blog
Amazing! Good work.
Hello Ali! Very interesting video. Keep up the good work.
It was super clear! Thanks for the post, Ali!
Fantastic video. Very important content.
Interesting topic and video Mr. Ali!
I took some notes for myself watching this so thank you for that and keep up the good informative work!
Ps. It’s confusing to realize how much information the web had abous us.
Great video! Clear and informative. Can’t wait for your next post.