Let’s go camping with us !


One year ago we have discovered an absolutely new type of traveling. My husband was skeptically  about my camping enthusiasm, but I was bored by classical beach holiday and desired more extreme    experiences.

The most difficult thing about camping in Switzerland- it is pretty difficult to find a place. Yes, there are a lot of campings  with all facilities like shower and toilet, but we wanted a real wild experience. Actually the most “wild places” owned by somebody, so there is always a risk that an owner can call a police.

  1. Wild camping. Our first camping experience happened at the Lungernsee, absolutely charming nature around the lake with blue water and hidden waterfalls in the forest ( water for drinking we took directly from it ). The weather was very hot, our bags very heavy, so we considered only one option-find a place on the lake. We asked farmer if we could set our tend on his land(yes it is a normal practice, don’t be shy), generally he wasn’t against, but we didn’t want disturb him and asked if he knows any public place.  The place already has a fire, wood, toilet and tables( later we noticed that it was not allowed  to stay there for the night, but ??‍♀️?).  We had a lot of fun, slept under  stars  and heard some noises of animals.
  2. Second time we stayed in a camping place,  we stayed there for few days  and we needed some more comfort. We chose place named “Paradiso”( oh yeah it really was a magnificent place), next to Lugano , with very beautiful lake view. There also were some sport activities like boats or puddling, that you can rent. The experience was cool, but pretty costly, we paid around 80 franc for 2 nights.
  3. Third place also was special, because it was a camping place in the forest, but easily access to  lakeside  (camping Gäse, Walensee) . It was much more wild than our experience in Lugano, but in the same there were still  some infrastructure. If you never visit this region, I highly recommend  it, there are a lot of easy trails for walk, tremendous waterfall, hided in the forest, magnificent views that I can compare  with Italian riviera.

Do you like camping? Please share your experiences. If you are not sure where to go, we are always ready to give you  a good company 😉

marti daria

Hey! I am living in Switzerland 5 years, I have experienced studying here, changed few jobs already and in my free time I travel and share some travel stories with you or tell you some tipes about Switzerland))

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