Is SEO a low-hanging fruit for your business? – 2 steps to check

Correctly done, SEO is one of the cheapest sources of the most relevant and commercial traffic for the website. If your SEO is done right, your business will rank in Google’s page #1. Being on the first page increases website’s visibility and people who are looking for the services or products you sell will find YOU in Google Search. These potential customers can visit your page and consider your product or service.More visits mean more sales and more profit. It sounds very simple, but how can you make sure that SEO is a worthy investment, and it will pay off generously?

You will know if SEO is a good fit after you answer these 2 questions:

  1. Is there enough traffic for your niche in your desired region?
  2. Is your competition level low to moderate, or you would need to compete with market leaders?Let’s take it step by step by looking at the niche of assistant rolled walkers presented in German-speaking Switzerland.

    1.Is there enough traffic for your niche in your desired region? 

First, you need to decide if you want to promote your website globally, in your country or in your city. After you have decided, you need to check how many people are searching for your service or product in Google in your selected region.

Let’s imagine you have an e-commerce store for rolling walkers and your target region is German-speaking Switzerland.

Let’s check the amount of searches for rolling walkers per month in German for Switzerland location.

In order to do this, I use Google Keyword Planner. 

List of keywords in German for rolling walkers in Switzerland with search volume.

This list demonstrates that people are interested in rolling walkers in our selected location, and it is, 3980 searches in Google for “rollatoren”every month. This is a good amount of searches for such a small region like German-speaking Switzerland, and that means that this niche does have a  potential to get a flow of targeted clients from Google.

First step is check ✅ Business has enough traffic in the desired region ??.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with Google Keyword Planner, just drop me a message on Linkedin and I will make a free keyword analysis for the first 50 people that request. Type in “HSLU” to get your free Keyword Research 😉

2. Is your competition level low to moderate, or would you need to compete with market leaders?

It is often enough to type in the most important keyword in Google in order to check if you need to compete with companies like yourself or market leaders like Amazon.

I type the first keyword, that has the highest search volume per month “rollatoren kaufen”

“rollatoren kaufen” in from 27.03.2022

Looking at the TOP results, we need to watch out for famous brands. Here, at #6 catches my attention as a giant brand. However, it is only one like this in TOP 10, so there is still enough space for your website  to be in page 1. The last result from the screenshot is even .de. That means that if you optimize your website correctly and confirm your location in Google Maps in Switzerland, it is almost guaranteed you can take that place. As Google always prioritizes local companies.

I type the first keyword, that has the highest search volume per month “rollatoren kaufen”

Second step is check ✅ Business is able to compete with current websites in TOP 10 ??.

P.S. You can get the most accurate result if you set your browser as incognito window and ensure your location corresponds to the region you are interested in promotion. For the best results, you can use a free Google Chrome extension SEO quake.

These two steps are easy and quick to do. But they will tell you if you have enough potential in Google and enough chances to actually get to Google page one. If both of the steps are check ✅ for your website – SEO is a low-hanging fruit that is waiting for you to pick up and collect the profits.

In the next article, I will explain how to check if SEO is suitable for your  business model and how to ensure good returns on SEO investment. Write the niches you are interested in or even your website in the comments so I may choose your suggestion.

Valeriia Rettig

Hi, my name is Valeriia Rettig. I have created an SEO agency JettSEO. My team and I have been doing SEO for 5 years. We have raised 100+ businesses to TOP 10 Google in different locations, niches, and languages. I know from my own experience the challenges business owners and marketing professionals can encounter when starting SEO. In my blog I share tips and shortcuts that not everyone knows but they are so vital to making the right strategic choice and finding a clear path to ROI from the SEO investment. 

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