When Health Matters

There is a saying “ The Greatest wealth is health” couldn’t be more appropriate in these crucial times. Coronavirus has taken a toll on the entire world, the healthcare workers are tirelessly working, putting their lives at constant risk. We can do our bit by practising social distancing and staying inside closed doors. Also trying our best to remain healthy by sleeping well, exercise and encouraging healthy food habits.


A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts is considered to be very healthy. However, certain foods are considered more beneficial than others when it comes to boosting the immune system and fighting germs; especially at times when the flu season is going on.


Turmeric: A superfood rich in Cucurmin is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-allergy properties. The health benefits include lung protection, better wound healing, improved digestion, reduced symptoms of depression and many more.

Honey: Honey is considered as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and rich in antioxidants. It helps improve digestion and gut health, helps soothe a sore throat and promotes wound healing.


Ginger: Ginger is rich in antioxidants and responsible for the anti-inflammatory and nausea relief properties of ginger. It helps improve digestion, provides relief from osteoarthritis and is effective in fighting respiratory infections.

Garlic: Garlic helps to combat sickness including the common cold. The antioxidants in garlic help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Lemon: Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants known as flavonoids. It helps prevent asthma, increases absorption of iron and aids weight loss.

Black pepper: contains potent beneficial plant compounds which are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antibiotic in nature and is rich in antioxidants. It’s helpful in fighting colds and coughs.

Apple cider vinegar: ACV is known to kill harmful bacteria and ward off flu bugs, boost skin health and aid digestion.


Here I am sharing some easy recipes where you can use as immunity booster drinks using the above mentioned ingredients

Ginger-lemon-honey: An inch of ginger grated, 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with a bit of warm water can be taken daily to boost your immunity. This is quite helpful when you have a blocked nose and cold.

Turmeric Milk: It’s an Indian grandmother’s favourite remedy. You can use a mix of water and milk. To this, I add crushed black pepper, sugar and of course, the star ingredient, turmeric (powder). This recipe is quite effective for coughs.

Tea with ginger: You can add grated ginger while the water for the tea is boiling to impart its flavour and goodness to the chai. Add a few splashes of milk, black tea powder and let it simmer for a couple of minutes before straining and serving.

Hope some of the above potions bring in some magic in your lives. Stay safe, healthy and happy.


My Name is Siny Thomas. I am studying MSc in Online Business and Marketing at Hochschule Luzern. My Blog will focus on Health Tips, Lifestyle and Travelogues.

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