A Glass of Wine? A Bottle, Please!

Summer, the time of having a beer by the lake or chilling in a park, is coming, slowly but its coming. I have always considered myself as a beer guy. That does not mean that I know anything about it. I just drink it. That’s it! Barely ever even read the label to know what kind of beer is,  what alcohol grade has (except when they look like alcohol-free), where it comes from or anything. Just choose it and drink it!

Great introduction, right? ?

But I am not going to be talking about beer, instead I am going to write my blog about wine. Which as you can assume, I do not know anything, nada, zero! Again, I just drink it. I choose which bottle to buy, like many other people even if they do not want to accept it, based on how cool the label is and then I just let it surprise me.

You might be wondering why now I am interested in learning about wine when I have never been interested in learning something about beer. Well…it is really simple I just do not like to look like an idiot when I order a bottle of wine and the waiter/waitress gives me a sip to taste and I have to act like  I know what I am doing. In this blog, we are going to walk through a happy field of grapes and learn about its liquid transformation and become what we know as wine.

Hopefully, before summer arrives, we will feel like wine experts and thirsty!



The oldest known wine cellar in on the Titanic. When divers went down to the wreckage, surprisingly most of the bottles were still intact.

Alejandro Gomez Ibarra

Human, Mexican traveler, taco expert, beer aficionado, wine enthusiast.

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8 thoughts on “A Glass of Wine? A Bottle, Please!

  1. Hey Alejandro, cool topic 🙂
    I am looking forward to becoming a wine expert thanks to your blog!

    1. I will do my best! I am drinking constantly so I can give you the best advice as possible 🙂

  2. That’s awesome you’re going to take this journey through the wine world, it’s going to be so interesting! I worked in the wine industry for 4 years and have made my own wine before, so if you need any help with anything just let me know 🙂

    1. Thanks, that’s just really cool! Did employees get free samples? If thats the case I would apply immediately

  3. Hey Alejandro! I’m so looking forward to know more about how to look like a wine expert! At the moment, I belong to the category of people who choose the bottle based on how fancy the label is…ahahhah save me! 🙂

    1. Ahaha we are at the same situation! Thats going to change in the next weeks 🙂

  4. Hi Alejandro! Wine is ALWAYS a great idea. Even though I love it, I know very little about it, actually I wish I could get to know more about wine! Can’t wait to read more about the topic.

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