Zero-Waste Movement: Why Companies should be Recycling?

The process of converting waste into new, useful products is becoming a good business sense for the environment and from a financial standpoint. Recycling and incorporating zero-waste is bringing positive feedback and improvement to how we run our daily lives. When companies are making business decisions, they should increase recycling efforts around the corporate culture and for the way they run business. Yes, sustainability is a way of the future, but in order to be more resourceful a business should have a comprehensive recycling and minimizing policy in their agenda. Companies should focus on incorporating sustainability in their mission statements on not only why they should be protecting the environment, alongside with how we can protect the environment. 

Why should companies recycle?

In order for us to leave a small carbon footprint on the planet, businesses should focus on creating only recyclable or reusable products. One of the reasons is that it saves energy when you recycle old products into new ones. Companies that use recycled goods save production time and save materials. Alongside saving materials, it saves you money. It is becoming a trend that some recycling companies buy waste products from other companies to make second made goods, for a lower cost and reducing a carbon footprint on the environment. 

One of the biggest reasons I believe companies should recycle is that when we recycle, it minimizes our effect on the planet earth and develops sustainable practices for future generations. Building brand loyalty when the customer knows the product is good for themselves as well as good for the environment. Hence, it presents a win-win situation in which both the customer and business are satisfied with the eco-friendly product. 

Companies should envision what is best for the world, by making a difference to the environment and treating it as one of their stakeholders. B corporations envision going beyond reduce, reuse and recycle, where the B-certificate shouldn’t be their ending point. It is important for future entrepreneurs to understand that business should come with passion in order to change for the greater good of the community. Companies that buy waste from other companies reduce bin quantity and by recycling it will allow more space. Every product that is recycled and made from reusable materials shows the innovation of creativity and reducing the amount of over populating the world with wasteful materials! Products that are reused and made of recycled goods are all around us. We just need to realize it and pursue a recycled lifestyle. Companies and young entrepreneurs are realizing problems in the world with non recyclable goods and materials that are simply being wasteful. Thus, they created new recycled products out of these items and reduced costs, materials, and the pile up waste it would have caused. Recycled fabrics are containing plastic and organic materials, daily appliances are used from recycled goods and biodegradable components, and companies are eliminating plastic bottles and packaging to stop the growth in landfill and harm to the environment. Hence, recycling is a key element towards the future of business!


Companies that use Recycling Technics and Help the Environment 


Every product that is bought, the company plants 10 trees. They used organic materials and recycled goods to create their clothing , alongside with planting and giving back to the environment. 


A very famous outdoor brand that makes their products from reusable and recycled materials. They encourage minimalism and want you to buy less. As a person who owns Patagonia gear, I really appreciate their well made products and how they are made to last. 


Their mission is to #giveupthebottle and to eliminate use of plastic and harmful packaging. They are an organic company that makes shampoo, soaps and other products that are packaged in compostable material by trying to promote the zero-waste movement. 

Suga Yoga Mat

They are a company that makes their yoga mats entirely out of wetsuits! It was discovered that wetsuits are a special material and cannot be recycled easily. Therefore, taking the material that was used for one thing in the beginning and turned into something new for the next, is pretty remarkable for the environment and for a business. 


Innovation is one of the key components towards recycling and creating an ongoing journey to reusing products, so it would never become waste. Advanced technology and the passion for recycling can pursue the zero-waste movement and where a product never leaks into the environment. 

Stay tuned till next time to find out more about how companies are involved in recycling and how they incorporate it in their everyday routine! 

Victoria Zaitsev

I strongly believe that kindness is important to one another by making the world a better place. We should cherish the environment and leave a small impact on the place we call home. As I am learning about eco-friendly companies and how they incorporate the use of recycling on a daily basis and sharing with you what I think is most crucial towards going Green and the future of business.

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2 thoughts on “Zero-Waste Movement: Why Companies should be Recycling?

  1. I love the idea of companies turning their own waste into new products! Nespresso, for example, rewards customers (for bringing back used capsules) with some products made out of recycled waste – my family has received a lot of those over the years.

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