Three Random Observations about Switzerland

I believe it is safe to say that Switzerland is known worldwide for its cheese, chocolate and punctuality. But once you devote some time to get to know Switzerland a bit better, you will notice some more interesting things that are incorporated to Swiss culture. So, let me share with you some three of those that I noticed.


I first noticed this on my very first time watching an ice hockey game live. During the game I sat next to a woman who rang a considerably large cow bell the entire game. She not even dropped her bell when a fight started near us and she ran to try to break it apart. Until this point, I thought bells were reserved to souvenir stores and cows.

But not only of cow bells are made the bells obsession of Swiss. There are also church bells. In Brazil, church bells were used to tell the population the time. But that used to happen a long time ago. Here in Switzerland they still ring, but at very random times. And without an easily understandable pattern.

So, why do they ring?

Whenever I hear a bell and I’m around a Swiss I ask. But to my disappointment, THEY NOT EVEN NOTICE THE BELLS RINGING! The answer is always the same: we are so used to them, that we don’t hear them anymore. They also say that with time, this should happen to me too. Good thing I still have a bit more than one year to try to get used to this.


A few days ago, I was in Davos where the most dangerous activity seems to be crossing the street (to my surprise, drivers there simply ignored the fact that you are waiting at the crosswalk). When I walked by the Kongresszentrum I couldn’t stop thinking about the World Economic Forum and the many pictures that circulated the world of the snipers on the top of the buildings.

From the annual check of the sirens to the long-lasting discussion about the need (or not) of new fighter jets, Switzerland take security for large scale events very seriously. But that is not necessarily extended to daily life.

I was shocked the day I went to a very busy cafe and I saw a guy leaving his wallet, laptop and phone at the table and going to the toilet. Even more the day we received a newsletter with tips on how to keep your house safe. The first one was: lock your doors and close your windows.

Old West

Last December I had one of the most Swiss and at the same time non-Swiss experiences so far. I went to Gölä’s concert, when he was celebrating the 20th anniversary of his first album. He is a Swiss rocker and his first album is one of the best-selling albums in Swiss German to date.

The concert was going on as usual, but people went “Swiss crazy” when he invited a yodel group to the stage, and they sang together. Commotion, everybody singing along hugging each other, lighters on and a huge round of applause by the end of the song. If you have ever been to a concert in Switzerland, you know this is something very special. So, what is the very strong message in this song that makes Swiss want to stand up to sing and hug each other?

Is it a song about Wilhelm Tell? Roger Federer? Heidi? No!

The songs name is Indianer and basically, is about how he wished to be able to go to the Old West and fight with the Native Americans against the cowboys. From that point on I started noticing more and more signs of this superficial fascination with the Old West. People dressed up during the Carnival, stickers on cars, interior décor items…


What about you? Have you noticed something random about Switzerland? Share it in the comments so we can all increase our rolodex of random knowledge about Switzerland.

Patricia Yoshida

Brazilian living in Switzerland intrigued by the peculiarities of this amazing country.

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3 thoughts on “Three Random Observations about Switzerland

  1. It’s a good song, though 😀 I like your style, keep confronting us with the things we don’t hear every day. An entertaining read even for the Swiss.

  2. I remember how you once told me that the signs outside of houses for announcing their newborns was quite awkward. And to be true, you’re completely right, it’s nice to read about our country from another and fun perspective.

  3. Cool post! I am still shocked every time I see people leave their stuff unattended in Switzerland. We need more “but wait, what?” moments from you!!?? Keep it coming!

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