Wie geht man mit Shitstorms um?

Guest Author: Samuel Wyss Du bist bei Swiss im Kommunikations-Team, es ist Sonntag-Morgen und du scrollst gemütlich durch die Blick.ch News und siehst folgenden Artikel mit 189 bösen Kommentaren: „Swiss verweigert querschnittgelähmten Passagier den Flug.“ Ein Schock – das wird dem Image von Swiss massiv schaden. Kaum 3 Minuten später ruft dich der COO an und vereinbart ein sofortiges Treffen im Büro. Du lässt deinen dampfenden Kaffee stehen und rennst los.

Wie geht man mit Shitstorms um? Read More

Western Women in the Emirates: Intercultural conduct

Women have been working hard to earn their respectful place in the western business world for decades. Today, we are perceived as equal business partners and can discuss with our male counterparts on eye level. In Arab countries, we see a male majority in the business world. Female business partners are a rarity. The standing of businesswomen seems very difficult. What is the role of women in the Arab business world?

Western Women in the Emirates: Intercultural conduct Read More

Standardized or value-based products for different cultures?

Author: Monika Sidler Standardized brands could benefit from large-volume production and transfer of expertise. But globalization has not produced globally uniform consumers. Coca-Cola changed its strategy from “think global, act local” to “think local, act local”. “The fashion industry tends to present the ideal woman’s figure as slim (standard). Black teens connect a full figure with health and fertility (cultural value).” What we purchase, and why we do so, is influenced by our cultural values. These vary across nations. Even …

Standardized or value-based products for different cultures? Read More

Chinese Art of Cunning – The 36 Strategeme

Author: Kimberley Jeker The 36 stratageme are a set of powerful Chinese aphorisms embodying the essence of the ancient Chinese Art of Cunning. “Swiss negotiate inefficiently – Chinese effectively and purposely make usage of their traditional thousand year old art of cunning”. First mentioned about 1,500 years ago, the 36 Stratagems were committed to paper around 500 years ago, and have gained in popularity in Chinese business circles since the 1990s, I have read. The books were a long time …

Chinese Art of Cunning – The 36 Strategeme Read More

What characterizes B2B International Marketing? And what are its key factors to success?

Author: Carla Sager When it comes to B2B marketing there are a few factors that clearly distinguish B2B markets from consumer markets: the complexity of B2B products, the involvement of a sophisticated and highly rational decision making process and the need of proven product expertise knowledge among others. B2B International, a B2B market research agency that claims to be the world leading one, summarizes the ten key factors that differentiate both markets. The complexity of B2B international marketing really takes …

What characterizes B2B International Marketing? And what are its key factors to success? Read More

Does cultural background influence communication?

Author: Doris Kündig Due to globalization intercultural communication is becoming increasingly important. Moreover, mobility and the rapid development of communication technologies lead to ever more contacts between people of different cultures. To facilitate the understanding of cultural differences, among other things in the business world, Geert Hofstede has developed the cultural dimensions theory. This analysis tool enables to gain a group-related cultural overview. The following dimensions are aspects of a culture, which in relation to others can be measured and …

Does cultural background influence communication? Read More