Chinese Art of Cunning – The 36 Strategeme

Author: Kimberley Jeker

The 36 stratageme are a set of powerful Chinese aphorisms embodying the essence of the ancient Chinese Art of Cunning. “Swiss negotiate inefficiently – Chinese effectively and purposely make usage of their traditional thousand year old art of cunning”.

First mentioned about 1,500 years ago, the 36 Stratagems were committed to paper around 500 years ago, and have gained in popularity in Chinese business circles since the 1990s, I have read. The books were a long time unknown to the Western world, though today most business people who have working relationships in Chinahave read at least one book by the sinologist Professor Harro Von Senger. “36 Stratageme for Managers” was issued 2010 following other publications on the subject from 2004 onwards. Further information about Von Senger and his literature, such as the very interesting “Moulüe – Supraplanung” can be found on Wikipedia.

Entertaining and thought provoking, I dare to differ that the Western mind will always struggle with understanding the stratageme. Without a long term knowledge and integration into the Chinese culture, the correct application in management and in business will probably remain a challenge?

Below a short introduction in German by Von Senger to the stratageme as it is difficult to find online. He established basic categories of the 36 Strategems and the Chinese Art of Cunning in this overview:

1. Täuschungsstrategeme 
Simulationsstrategeme: Vorspiegelung einer nicht vorhandenen Wirklichkeit.z.B. Strategem Nr. 29: Dürre Bäume mit künstlichen Blumen schmücken.
Simulationsstrategeme:Das Entziehen oder Verbergen einer vorhandenenWirklichkeit.z.B. Strategem Nr. 10: Hinter dem Lächeln den Dolch verbergen
2. Präsenzstrategeme
Informationsstrategeme:Vermittlung einer unbekannten Wirklichkeit.z.B. Strategem Nr. 13: Auf das Gras schlagen, um die Schlange aufzuscheuchen.
Ausmünzungsstrategeme:Ausnützung einer aktiv herbeigeführten oder sich ohne Zutun vorübergehend ergebenden günstigen Konstellation.z.B. Strategem Nr. 4: Ausgeruht auf den erschöpften Feind warten.
Fluchtstrategeme: Entziehung einer prekären Wirklichkeit.z.B. Srategem Nr. 21: Die Zikade entschlüpft ihrer goldglänzenden Hülle
3. Hybride Strategeme
Hybride Strategeme: Ein und dieselbe Handlung lässt sich den unterschiedlichen Grundkategorien der Strategeme zuordnen.