Geschmack kann man sich kaufen, Stil nicht!

Samstagmorgen, 08:30 Uhr – keine gute Zeit für Morgenmuffel und Langschläfer. Der Klassenraum ruft: Wir stehen vor einem sehr adrett gekleideten und gut gelaunten Dozenten, Herrn Ivan Malito von Gübelin, der uns mit Handschlag empfängt. Erst später stellt sich heraus, dass wir dabei von Kopf bis Fuss gescannt worden sind: Von der Uhrenmarke bis zum Kleidungstil entgeht Herrn Malito nichts. Wir wundern uns, ob wir in Luzern an der Hochschule oder doch eher Mailand oder Paris gelandet sind. Von Katrin …

Geschmack kann man sich kaufen, Stil nicht! Read More

Study week Dubai 2015: Service Culture and Innovation in Dubai

Prof Paul Williams at the American University in Sharjah guided us through the intricacies of providing service in an Arab context during out second session. Arab culture values service highly, but does not want to be on the serving side. The high number of Filipinos employed in the service sector in Dubai attests to this. While shoppers may appear demanding in Westerners’ eyes, their attention to high service quality means that they will accept only the best. It also means …

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Strategic Selling in Asia

Authors: Philipp Bircher, Daniela Jenni, Michael Domeisen Henry Reust, Senior Vice President at Schindler Management Ltd. brings years of experience in the Asian market. He shares his knowledge of strategic selling and sheds light on some crucial questions such as the way to confront rising customer expectations or general trends in strategic selling. [youtube]

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International Marketing – we keep at it

New markets offer new challenges. Nowadays, keeping up with the competition means an international profile is imperative. This bilingual German/English blog is dedicated to the topic of “International Marketing and Communication”. We will deal with topics such as: – Global Brand Management – Online Communication worldwide – International Pricing – International Campaigning and Advertising – Market Entry Barriers – Strategic Selling – Negotiation Strategies and International Communication. Experts will contribute articles referring to exciting events on the topics, introducing methods …

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