Barriers to market entry

Author: Daniela Jenni

Any company wishing to do business abroad faces numerous obstacles. Political restraints, legal restrictions, operational barriers hindering access to essential resources or distribution channels, or even a lack of knowhow about the new market can impede or limit market entry. As a consequence, it can often be difficult or even virtually impossible for a company to gain a foothold in a new market.

The following two events are designed to help Swiss firms doing business abroad to gain fresh impetus, establish valuable contacts and benefit from the expertise of internationally successful companies.

The next event is on 11 April 2013.

The next event is on 25 April 2013.

Both events are held once a year and provide a platform for presentations and panels offering an opportunity to engage with topical information on the challenges ahead for international business. Entrepreneurs will also be given an insight into the operations of global companies and a chance to network with key people from Switzerland’s export industry.