Design, Policy & AI Workshop

? Research by the VA-PEPR team points to an ever-closer interrelation of the design of policies and services for everyday use driven by new technologies like AI. Funded by the interdisciplinary Swiss National Science Foundation SINERGIA program, on 16 January 2024, the team hosted a high-level interdisciplinary workshop on the topic. We thank Sameer Pujari and Jose Diaz Mendoza from the World Health Organization’s Global Initiative on AI for Health (GI-AI4H) and European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) Pierre Deceuninck (Directorate F – Innovation in Life and Health Sciences) and Marco Inchingolo, PhD (Directorate S – Innovation in Science and Policymaking) for their inputs from the policy side.

A stellar group of interdisciplinary experts at the cross section of policy, design and AI fearlessly engaged with the provotypes developed by the VA-PEPR team (specifically ‘Voice Matters’ and ‘Überblick’) to explore their relevance and use in the policy innovation context.

?  A significant concept emerged that will now be taken forward and developed further ? Stay tuned – and mark your calendar for the two upcoming events on March 7 (Workshops) and March 8 (Final Project Event)!  Send VA-PEPR team an email to stay updated > email hidden; JavaScript is required <

Photos by: Carolin Röckelein and Aysun Aytac