Swiss: How to make use of online media in critical situations

Authors: Nadine Clauder, Isabelle Gargiulo, Monika Sidler, Ulrike Meissner

Online Media has become a popular term in most marketers’ vocabulary. But what makes it so special and different compared to classical communication? Online media allows the marketer to communicate multidimensionally which means there is a direct response from clients and as result interaction between producer and users. This is a great opportunity and a huge challenge at the same time.

Photo by bp/plaintiffs, public domain
Photo by Bernd Gross, cc by 3.0
Photo by Nils Fretwurst, public domain

In a crisis*, online media, is one the most important communication tools nowadays. Mr. Parand Rohani, Head of Online Sales, Swiss International Air Lines, gives insights on how Swiss makes use of online media in critical situations.

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*Definition crisis: Event or point of decision which, if not handled in an appropriate and timely manner […], may turn into a disaster or catastrophe.