Global campaigns: the ability to create brand promises that can travel

Author: Isabelle Gargiulo

One of the most challenging tasks in international advertising is the deep understanding of culture differences. For instance, North Americans see in product promoted benefits to be gained by buying a specific label. Chinese consumers are interested in ads with prevention-focused messages.

Why are misleading claims repeatedly created?
In case of ad adaptions in other countries, it‘s pivotal to use the right translation of meanings and ideas. Translating claims from English to another language is often a reason that mishaps occur.

Read the most famous misleading claims ever!

Translated slogans gone wrong

Photo by Sid Stamm, cc by nc-nd

KFC: Watch your fingers!

The manner in which customers react to buying a product can be driven by their cultural context. In Italy, Spain and France, a good commercial is indirect and emotional, making use of the latest trends symbols and testimonials:


Volkswagen Italia: Francesco Totti

In the UK an effective commercial is a good mix of humor and animated film:


Volkswagen UK: Singing dog

In the US advertising often uses a celebrity to exalt the virtue of a product:

BMW US: Madonna

Nike US: R. Federer&Co.

Claims that can travel also guarantee their rapid spread, thanks to free viral advertising. What are you paying attention to when you look at an ad?

Source: Global Marketing Management, Kotabe Helsen 2011

One thought on “Global campaigns: the ability to create brand promises that can travel

  1. To ensure that the translation of our messages are right we send each and every collateral to our subsidiaries for proofreading. I can really confirm what you write – it is essential to convey the right meaning!

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