Are you feeling restless, isolated and anxious? So am I. And we are not alone! Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. With the social isolation and quarantine imposed on us, there is a chance that we will lose our marbles by being confined to a four walled room….

How to raise debt-free kids in a world where money isn`t real

38% of the people between ages 18- and 24 years in Switzerland are indebted. Why is that?  – Because money has become something intangible and unreal in the world of today`s youth.  Research clearly shows the increasing numbers. More young people are indebted than ever before. Every tenth person in Switzerland between the age of…

Get Blooming Sustainable

How Consumers can Demand Sustainability from the Floral Design Industry Worldwide, flowers are gifted as a romantic gesture, in in show of sympathy, to congratulate, and as a get-you-off-the-hook card when you haven’t been to visit your Nonna in far too long. You know it, your Nonna knows it, but when she sees those pretty…

How to explain design management in a job interview

Design management applies to several different fields, disciplines, and industries. The attempt to narrow it down and box it into a one-sentence-definition will lead to confusion and will not do the complex term any justice. Yet, the Design Management Institute gave it a try and defined design management as follows: “Simply put, design management is…