Using a Design Solution to Bring Gender Equality to Iran

For many young woman and girls who were born in the Middle East, their man is the owner of their life and their future. Changing this attitude and bringing about gender equality to give girls the ability to decide their marital status, job status and place of residence is no simple task. In Iran, based…

4 Steps you should take to implement Design Management in your Local Organisation

Image: Via, design by NotOnSunday agency. Most likely you are participating in a local organisation or club when you are not at school or work. This local organisation could be a sports club, political organisation, scout association, hobby related group and so on. These organisations are often voluntary and do not pay their members…

That’s how you get a job after graduating from DMI!

Finding a job is never an easy task. For the last couple of months, I was challenged to find an internship. The most difficult task for me was to define my job profile. What are my strengths? In which field do I want to work in? To which company and what role should I apply…

Will Design Managers be Replaced by Machines? Towards an AI-powered future

Image: Qiushi Fu   Humanity depends on technology more than ever before. We no longer remember phone numbers because we have everything saved on our phones, and we no longer use a map because we let a navigation app do the work for us. Machines have been taking over human roles since the industrial revolution, and…

Tackle Wicked Problems – Redesign Your Thinking

Have you ever been in an argument without the slightest hope of finding common ground? Where both parties involved felt like they were hitting a wall? Entangled in a net of allegations? Have you ever found yourself ponder problems like the Social Development Goals (SDGs)? Wicked problems so complex, finding solutions seems futile. Just thinking…

4 Ways to improve & excel in remote teamwork as a design management student

The current crisis forces people around the world, including us students, to stay inside – still performing and producing solid work outcomes. The crisis also forces a lot of Swiss design students to participate in seemingly endless video-conferencing meetings, staring into a screen for most of the day. Studying design management myself, I am consistently…

Quarantine-Design: 10 Affordable and Easy Tips for your Wellbeing at Home during the COVID-19 Crisis

As a certified yoga teacher and passionate wellness advocate, I decided to put together 10 easy and accessible tips for quarantine-friendly living during the current COVID-19 crisis. Though these wellness tips are universally applicable, you may feel heightened sensations of anxiety, confusion or stress, experience a lack of physical movement, or you simply want to…

Why Life-Centered Design is Vital for all Design Schools

For a continuous transformation towards a circular economy, the design education must widen its scope and impart regenerative and transitional thinking. All design must now extend beyond their ecosystem. Let’s start with the designers of tomorrow to ensure a lasting impact through a mindset of life-centered design.   Keywords: Life-Centered Design | Design Education |…

Are you a diversity champion?

In our design management studies at the Lucerne University of Applied Science, we have a lot of project work in diverse teams of four to six people. Each semester, we work at least in three different teams to engage together in a creative endeavor towards a goal set by the lecturer. Sometimes we form our…

The importance of a design consultant towards socially responsible design

In the past decades, a number of environmental issues and social imbalance increased. In return, the consciousness and the need to address ecological, environmental and industrial challenges has steadily increased. Therefore, the discussion towards a socially responsible design approach has become an importantpart of many business agendas. In my opinion, a sustainable change can only…