Mit der Globalisierung und dem Eintritt in neue internationale Märkte steigt auch der Expertenbedarf im internationalen Marketing. Das Institut für Kommunikation und Marketing IKM der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft bietet zum Thema deshalb den CAS International Marketing and Communication an und behandelt das Thema auch im Bachelor sowie in diversen Beratungs- und angewandten Forschungsaufträgen.
Federführend am IKM ist Anja Janoschka, Dozentin an der Hochschule Luzern und Leiterin des Lehrgangs CAS International Marketing and Communication.
Dear Colleagues,
It is really nice to e-meet you! My name is Vadim Tylik, I am the President of RMAA Group – Russian Marketing and Advertising Agency.
I found information about you on your web-site, where I can see a lot of useful information for international entrepreneurs, so we are both work in quite the same field of international market. But my specialization is entering Russian market.
1) I own the blog for international entrepreneurs also – and I think your content will be interesting for our readers. So feel free to send us all related materials and articles, and we will post them.
2) Currently I am launching new White Papers ‘HOW CAN A FOREIGN COMPANY ENTER THE RUSSIAN B2B MARKET? Effective B2B marketing strategies in Russia’ – E-book reveals how foreign companies can easily find Russian b2b customers.
I would like to ask you to announce the White Paper on your web-site. Is it possible? And I would be happy to collaborate with you and introduce you to RMAA Group`s blog readers (5 000 of international marketers and entrepreneurs)
Looking forward hearing from you!