The International Marketing Blog

Mit der Globalisierung und dem Eintritt in neue internationale Märkte steigt auch der Expertenbedarf im internationalen Marketing. Das Institut für Kommunikation und Marketing IKM der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft bietet zum Thema deshalb den CAS International Marketing and Communication an und behandelt das Thema auch im Bachelor sowie in diversen Beratungs- und angewandten Forschungsaufträgen.

Federführend am IKM ist Anja Janoschka, Dozentin an der Hochschule Luzern und Leiterin des Lehrgangs CAS International Marketing and Communication.


One thought on “The International Marketing Blog

  1. Dear Colleagues,

    It is really nice to e-meet you! My name is Vadim Tylik, I am the President of RMAA Group – Russian Marketing and Advertising Agency.

    I found information about you on your web-site, where I can see a lot of useful information for international entrepreneurs, so we are both work in quite the same field of international market. But my specialization is entering Russian market.

    1) I own the blog for international entrepreneurs also – and I think your content will be interesting for our readers. So feel free to send us all related materials and articles, and we will post them.

    2) Currently I am launching new White Papers ‘HOW CAN A FOREIGN COMPANY ENTER THE RUSSIAN B2B MARKET? Effective B2B marketing strategies in Russia’ – E-book reveals how foreign companies can easily find Russian b2b customers.

    I would like to ask you to announce the White Paper on your web-site. Is it possible? And I would be happy to collaborate with you and introduce you to RMAA Group`s blog readers (5 000 of international marketers and entrepreneurs)

    Looking forward hearing from you!

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