Dev blog week 3
Wednesday 29.11.2023
The day started with a short input on the topic of Game Feel and Juice. Afterwards, we had a short meeting in our group to update our to-do list and set priorities. There are still a few things to do:
– define the definitive color palette
– Story for the game
– Start Screen
– Revision of path asset
– End Screen for:
– Winnig condition
– Losing condition
– Mushroom collision (Unity and create asset)
– Hypno Counter Bar
– Sound
– Level Design
– Camera Movement
We split up so that we could work through our to-do’s more quickly and effectively. Stefan took on the challenge of designing a start and end screen. Jan continued to work on programming the code for our game. Angelika and Laura took care of preparing the missing assets and spritesheets, such as mushroom collision, hypno-counter bar and buttons. When testing our prototype, we noticed that the path was not proportional to the character and didn’t really fit, so we revised the assets for the path again. We then re-implemented it in Unity and it now fits much better. We also color corrected all the assets and ending/start screens, after we defined our color palette.

Title Screen

Intro Screen

Game Over Screen
Thursday 30.11.2023
Today we worked on our level design. The programmers in our group managed to integrate a hue changer and made a crossroad timer. They also applied the hypno-effects and and added the drunk walking of the badger. It posed quite a challenge but they could overcome it. Stefan added the Music and Souneffects to our game, which gave it a more intense feel. We also discussed about what the surroundings of the maze should look like. The designers made new sprites for the winnable pasth and the secret item. The item turned out to be a chainsaw to get rid of the trees. We also started to collect images and other stuff for the presentation. We also wrote a document for the game description and created a document which visualises our controll scheme.

Start of the maze

Hypno-Point 3 – camera shaking effect

Hypno-Point 4 – side switching of the keys
Friday 01.12.2023
Today we finished our presentation successfully. We finalized all of our documents to hand them in. We got the award for the most trippy game art.

The Teamspirit of our group was really good.
Many thanks for our great cooperation Team PsychePhantoms!