Masterclass: Cinema as/of Rage


Chloé Galibert-Laîné discussed their latest video essay «I Would Like to Rage» with Ella Rocca and Jules As If at the Upcoming Filmmakers Festival in Lucerne.

They also served as member of the jury for the festival’s international competition, awarding the main prizes to Lou Cohen, Anaïs Bourgogne and Morgane Frund.… continue

Practices of Viewing at VIDEOEX 2023

On Friday May 26, 2023 at 21:15 the Experimental Film & Video Festival VIDEOEX hosts a special screening of Johannes Binotto› video essays. Johannes will show and discuss a selection from his series «Practices of Viewing» including the still unpublished last video of the series on endings.… continue

Masterclass at INA


Project member Chloé Galibert-Laîné has been invited to present a 3 hour masterclass about their videographic work as part of the «Practices of archival» course at INA Sup in France.… continue

Video Essay. Techniques and Methods.

A working conference at Paxmontana, Flüeli-Ranft, Switzerland, 4.–8. December 2022

What do we do, when we make video essay? What are the different approaches, methods, working schemes, parameters in videographic practice?

«GeoMarkr: the Gamification of Online Interfaces»

Chloé Galibert-Laîné was invited to present their latest video essay GeoMarkr, together with co-writer Guillaume Grandjean, at the conference «La Preuve par l’Image» at l’Institut National d’Histoire des Arts in Paris on December 9th, 2022.… continue

Chloé Galibert-Laîné Retrospective


The Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira in Porto, Portugal has organized a two-days retrospective of 8 films and video essays by Chloé Galibert-Laîné. The screenings were followed by in-person conversations with the spectators, as well as a workshop at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto.… continue

Videography: Art and Academia – Hannover 2022

Both Johannes Binotto and Oswald Iten were giving panel talks at «Videography: Art and Academia», an international video essay symposium about «Epistemological, Political and Pedagogical Potentials of Audiovisual Practices», November 2-4, 2022, organized by Maike Sarah Reinert, Evelyn Kreutzer, Anna-Sophie Philippi, and Kathleen Loock.… continue

Chloé Galibert-Laîné – Screening at Avignon Festival

Chloé Galibert-Laîné’s PhD film Watching the Pain of Others will screen at the Avignon Festival in France, as part of a collaboration between the festival and the SACRe research lab, together with other screen-based and live performance works by other former candidates from the program.… continue

Video Essay Gallery on Filmexplorer

The online magazine Filmexplorer launches a digital Gallery with several exhibitions of video essays – curated by project members and associates Chloé Galibert-Laîné, Kevin B. Lee and Johannes Binotto.

Proposition and Curation

After a long period where definitory questions have prevailed, and a recent period of inclusion of a plurality of forms of video-essay, the time is now ripe to let aside the attitude of surveying or mapping the variegated landscape of video essays, and to let emerge the style of the author.… continue

Master Talk Editing ZHdK mit Johannes Binotto

Master Talk Editing im Kino Toni ZHdK 1.4.2022
Gast: Johannes Binotto, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftler, Experimentalfilmemacher und Videoessayist

Was macht ein Schnitt? Wie fangen durch die Montage Bilder an, sich gegenseitig nicht nur fortzusetzen, sondern auch zu kommentieren und analysieren?… continue

Vorlesung: Film als Text (inkl. VideoEssay Präsentation)

Vorlesung von Johannes Binotto vom 31.3.2022 im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe «Ansätze der modernen Filmtheorie» von Prof. Dr. Volker Pantenburg, Filmwissenschaft Universität Zürich

Filme als Texte zu lesen bedeutet auch, sie als unabschliessbare Texturen zu entdecken: als ein Gewebe aus Bildern und Klängen, das sich immer wieder neu verändert.… continue

«Ein Film ist wie ein Prisma, in dem sich die Zeit bricht.» Interview zu Filmarbeit und Videoessay.

Coucou Magazin Nr. 104 (März 2022) / S. 16-21 ///

Ein Gespräch mit dem Winterthurer Kultur- und Medienwissenschaftler Johannes Binotto über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten des Filme Sehens.

Interview & Bild: Sandra Biberstein

Sandra Biberstein (SB): Johannes Binotto, du beschäftigst dich seit seit Deiner Jugend mit Filmen – unterdessen auch einerseits in deiner Forschung aus kulturwissenschaftlicher, kulturgeschichtlicher und psychoanalytischer Perspektive, anderseits setzt du dich als Dozent an der Hochschule Luzern mit Film- und Medientheorien sowie mit verschiedenen Filmtechniken auseinander.… continue

Oswald Iten: Spannung auf der Tonspur

Within the framework of a series of lectures for the GIBZ (Gewerblich-industrielles Bildungszentrum Zug) in a local cinema, Oswald Iten presented videographic examples of how contemporary narrative feature films create tension on the soundtrack.… continue

The best video essays of 2021


The best video essays of 2021 poll, hosted by the British Film Institute and the Sight and Sound magazine is out with video essays of our research group being at the top.… continue

Online exhibition: Video works by Johannes Binotto

The association WHITE FRAME (WF) is presenting an online exhibition of video essays by Johannes Binotto, curated by Chantal Molleur; including a new interview and the not yet officially published video essay «Metaleptic Attack».… continue


Oswald Iten: Angst + Sound

Oswald Iten has been invited to talk about «Fear + Sound» at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen on November 23, 2021. As a presenter of film clips (both with original and experimentally de-familiarized soundtracks), he will moderate a discussion with the audience.… continue

Podcast «Dritte Klappe» zum Videoessay

Diskussion über Videoessays und Videoessay-Forschung im Podcast «Dritte Klappe» der Filmuniversität Babelsberg, mit Dr. Johannes Binotto, Dr. Maike Sarah Reinerth und Anna-Sophie Philippi.

Unabgeschlossen, versuchhaft, sich vortastend: Video Essays sind kritische Landkarten, bei denen die Kamera zu Stift und Papier wird.… continue

Screening at the Massachussetts Multicultural Film Festival

The Massachussetts Multicultural Film Festival organized a solo screening of two of Chloé Galibert-Laîné’s recent video essays. She also took part in a public conversation about her work with researcher Barbara Zecchi and the host of the Video Essay Podcast, Will DiGravio.… continue

“Chloé Galibert-Laîné en conversation avec Delphine Jeanneret”

Chloé Galibert-Laîné was invited to screen her video essay Forensickness and discuss her videographic research practice in dialogue with researcher and curator Delphine Jeanneret, as part of the international conference “EDITING ARTS: Le montage au cinéma et dans les arts contemporains” organized at the HEAD in Geneva, Switzerland.… continue

«Resisting ISIS: Art against political violence»

Chloé Galibert-Laîné was invited to contribute to the panel conversation organized to launch the online platform reCLAIM, in which her collaborative video essay project Bottled Songs is exhibited. The event was hosted by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne in Germany.… continue

Artikel zum Videoessay-Projekt in Der Landbote

Was machen die Bilder mit uns?

Artikel von Helmut Dworschak, Der Landbote 6.2.2021, S. 7

Der Filmwissenschaftler und «Landbote»-Kolumnist Johannes Binotto leitet an der Hochschule Luzern ein Forschungsprojekt des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds über Video-Essays.

«Monograph» Screening at La Casa Encendida

La Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain) 25.2.2021

Chloé Galibert-Laîné’s video essays Flânerie 2.0, Watching the Pain of Others and Forensickness will screen as part of the «Monográfico» screening series at La Casa Encendida in Madrid, Spain.… continue

«Split Screens: Starving for Connection»

University College Cork – National University of Ireland, 02.02.2021

Chloé Galibert-Laîné will give a guest lecture in Prof. Dr. Laura Rascaroli’s class at the Cork University in Ireland entitled «Split Screens: Starving for Connection».… continue

«Desktop | Essay» Symposium at the Heinrich-Heine-University

Heinrich-Heine-University (Düsseldorf, Germany), 29.01.2021

Chloé Galibert-Laîné’s ongoing project Bottled Songs (co-authored with Kevin B. Lee) will be screened and discussed as part of the «Desktop | Essay» Symposium at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany.… continue

Masterclass: Chloé Galibert-Lainé

Solothurner Filmtage, 25.1.2021

Chloé Galibert-Lainé in conversation with Giuseppe di Salvatore talking about her videographic research, how she makes her films, and the questions both theoretical and practical she faces in her work.… continue

Videoessay-Panel at Solothurner Filmtage

Solothurner Filmtage 25.1.2021

Discussion on the video essay, its many forms, its networks, the personal journey of some of its proponents, and its future.

German Abstract: Der Videoessay hat sich zu einer wichtigen und facettenreichen Form der Filmkritik entwickelt.… continue

Best video essays of 2020 poll

The best video essays of 2020 poll (hosted by the Sight&Sound Magazine and the British Film Institute) is out with several video essays by team members Chloé Galibert-Laîné, Johannes Binotto and Oswald Iten among the top picks.… continue