Video Essay Gallery on Filmexplorer

The online magazine Filmexplorer launches a digital Gallery with several exhibitions of video essays – curated by project members and associates Chloé Galibert-Laîné, Kevin B. Lee and Johannes Binotto.

Proposition and Curation

After a long period where definitory questions have prevailed, and a recent period of inclusion of a plurality of forms of video-essay, the time is now ripe to let aside the attitude of surveying or mapping the variegated landscape of video essays, and to let emerge the style of the author. This is a moment of taking position and a moment of discussion.

A Dialogic Format

In this context, Filmexplorer’s Video Essay Gallery support personal visions on the way of making a video-essay, and give to three experts the opportunity to defend and discuss their own vision through the proposition and the curation, for each expert, of a series of five video-essays made by other colleagues.

Filmexplorer’s Video Essay Gallery is kindly supported by Ernst Göhner Stiftung


The first exhibition is devoted to the topic «Home Positions» presenting three video essays and a discussion among the curators on topics such as the home as the uncanny place of defamiliarization, discomfort in embodiment and memory, trusting the experimental and amateur approach as revelatory and video essay as post-cinematic experience.