«Split Screens: Starving for Connection»

University College Cork – National University of Ireland, 02.02.2021

Chloé Galibert-Laîné will give a guest lecture in Prof. Dr. Laura Rascaroli’s class at the Cork University in Ireland entitled «Split Screens: Starving for Connection».

Abstract: What intellectual connections, rhetorical effects and affective shocks can images produce when they are placed side-by-side ? The split screen technique has a long theoretical history, which requires revisitation: contemporary images are constantly brought to co-exist with one another, in unexpected and often random arrangements, as we open, click, scroll through them on our different devices. The meanings that emerge from this randomness deserve to be explored – for they speak to our shared capacity to process visual information and produce new forms of knowledge, as well as to the underlying dynamics and heuristics of online communications. Presenting excerpts from her own video essays and desktop documentaries, filmmaker and researcher Chloé Galibert-Laîné presents reflections on the rhetorical power of image juxtaposition, and propose creative strategies for critically making sense, in a context of an overabundance of images and media, of one’s own thirst for meanings and connections.