Insider’s Guide to Keto: Understanding the Basis of the Keto Lifestyle

Hey there, welcome to the beginning of your Keto journey! ?

We’re about to kickstart our Keto adventure, and I’m excited to have you join me. Throughout this series, I’ll be sharing insights, experiences, and tips to keep us motivated and inspired. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the incredible benefits of the ketogenic lifestyle! ?

Today, let’s dive into what the ketogenic diet is all about—a mix of curiosity, science, and a desire for better health.

My Story: Testing Keto for SIBO ?

Before we get started, let me share a bit about my journey. Battling SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) for over 4 years hasn’t been easy. I was desperate to find a solution to help me feel better. That’s when I stumbled upon keto. Not only eased my symptoms but it also reintroduced me to the joy of savouring my favourite foods.

What’s Keto, Anyway? ?

So, what’s the deal with keto? It’s a diet heavy on fats, light on carbs, and designed to help your body burn fat more efficiently.

Keto Breakdown ?️‍♂️

Let me break it down:

  • Fat’s Your Friend: About 70-80% of your daily calories should come from fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil, drastically cutting down on carbs like sugars and grains.
  • Protein Power: Aim for 20-25% of your daily calories from protein to keep muscles happy and healthy.
  • Ketosis: The Game Changer: By limiting your carb intake to about 5-10% of your daily calories, your body switches to using fat for fuel instead of carbs, producing ketones that provide energy.

Now, let’s get a bit scientific??‍?. When you eat carbs, your body turns them into glucose for energy. But on keto, since you’re reducing carbs, your body needs another source of energy. This metabolic state is called ketosis. In ketosis, your liver breaks down fat into ketones, which your body uses for fuel instead of glucose.

Keto & SIBO: A winning Combo??

How did keto come to the rescue for my SIBO?

SIBO is a condition where there’s an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. These bacteria feed on carbohydrates, causing symptoms like bloating. By cutting back on carbs, you’re essentially starving these bacteria, which can help reduce symptoms and improve gut health. Plus, ketones have anti-inflammatory properties, which can further soothe the gut and reduce inflammation.

But Wait, There’s More to Keto! ?

Keto’s not just a one-trick pony. Here’s a taste of its other benefits:

  • Steady Energy: Say goodbye to energy crashes—keto keeps your energy levels stable all day long.
  • Clear Mind: Feel sharper and more focused, without brain fog from too many carbs.
  • Better Health: From reducing inflammation to balancing your blood sugar, keto can improve your overall health.
  • Become a Fat-Burning Machine: Lose weigth as your body turns into a fat-burning beast.

The Keto Rollercoaster ?

Like any journey, it’s not always easy. You might experience the ‘keto flu’, nutrient deficiencies, or worry about long-term sustainability. But with a little know-how and flexibility, you can handle it.

So, Ready to Embark on This Keto Journey? ?

Whether you’re dealing with SIBO like me or just curious about keto, let’s explore this path to feeling better together.

So, are you ready to dive into keto and see what it can do for you? Let’s do this! ?

Alba Garner

Welcome! I’m Alba, a Spaniard living in Switzerland. My keto journey started after a diagnosis of SIBO a few years ago. The shift to a ketogenic diet has been life-changing for me. However, I’ve noticed that not many are familiar with the keto lifestyle. Through this blog, I will share practical tips that have made a significant difference in my experience. Let’s navigate the rewarding world of keto together!

View all posts by Alba Garner →

12 thoughts on “Insider’s Guide to Keto: Understanding the Basis of the Keto Lifestyle

  1. I always wondered about how a keto diet would work after seeing so many videos and you were able to teach me much more in this blog than any of those videos. Great work!! Loved it (:

  2. It’s very interesting! I learned a lot in this blog. It’s just what I was searching it.

  3. I would like to know more about keto as I was forced to do it at home, and now I enjoy it. I find it helps me stay very healthy. I’m really excited to learn more about it and for you to share your experiences with us

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