9. März 2025

Studio Game 2 | Mattia | Week 6


This past week I implemented two different ways the player can interact with the planets. One is a simple mode, where the player can orbit around the planet. The second one, the player can fly around freely in the entire space, go to different planets and interact with them.
For this, I used the new Unity input system.

I also re-did the entire system that loads and handles the chunks and the LOD. It now runs much smoother, due to only checking chunks near the camera. To only have the relevant chunks, they can subscribe and unsubscribe to an event-manager depending on their distance to the camera.


The player can interact in 3 major different ways with the planets.

  • Add volume to the planet.
  • Subtract volume of the planet.
  • Paint color to specific areas.

All those interactions are done and handled with a sphere. The player can position a sphere with the mouse on the planet, by clicking, the selected interactions happens. So if the player wants to add volume, the sphere gets drawn into the 3D texture, and then all the affected chunks get reloaded.

For next week, I want to create a nice UI, make all the interactions smoother, and make the game look better over all.

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