
Donna Elvira

I act III scene

After the duet „Là ci darem la mano“ between Don Giovanni and Zerlina, Donna Elvira could enter quietly to the stage from the back and could go behind the back of the two „lovers“. And from their backs she could really surprise them with her presence. She could subtrack them with the recitativ „Fermati, scellerato!“ (Stop, villain!). Donna Elvira could stay between Don Giovanni and Zerlina (in front of the stage) while they say their recitativs. Of course Don Giovanni tries to convince Zerlina that he has such a good heart and out of pity he is pretending that he loves the „crazy“ Donna Elvira. Elvira goes next to Zerlina and tries to convince the young girl to run away from such a dangerous man. She sings her aria :

Ah! fuggi il traditor! Ah, flee the traitor!
Non lo lasciar più dir; Don’t listen to what he says!
il labbro è mentitor, His lips are lying ones,
fallace il ciglio! his eyes deceiving.
Da miei tormenti impara           Learn from my suffering
a creder a quel cor; to trust what I say,
e nasca il tuo timor and let my misfortune
dal mio periglio! make you afraid.
Ah, fuggi, fuggi! Ah, flee!
Ah, fuggi il traditor! Ah, flee the traitor!
Non lo lasciar più dir. Don’t listen to what he says!

After this aria Donna Elvira and Zerlina will leave the stage.


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