Kategorie: Journal (Seite 2 von 2)

Manchester Summer 2022

Hello again research friends, enthusiasts, and those who would like to become one!


The first concert, Playlist for Parkinson’s LIVE, took place at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester on the 14th of June. And you just have to believe me when I tell you that it has been an absolute blast!

Our time in Manchester was an adventure that had started quite early in the morning. Valérie, a master student that is a project assistant also, and I met with Antonio, the vice dean of the HSLU, at the Zurich airport at 6.30 am to get our flight. I guess I don’t have to tell how tired the three of us were, do I? Anyway,  in Manchester and the RNCM we arrived well just to find Dawn and Jane waiting for us with breakfast. Thank you, guys, you are awesome! 😀

Dr Michelle Phillips and Fiona Stuart,  who both work at the RNCM, did an amazing job organizing the concert! Also, of course, we are very grateful to SEMPRE and the Arnold Bentley Award funding this amazing concert. Even the British television was interested in the concert and sent Granada Reports, which is part of itv news, to make a report. You can find it HERE.
Therefore, Dawn, Jane, Michelle, and most others of the organizers spent the day being interviewed. Valérie and I had taken the chance and wandered around the city for it was our first time visiting Manchester.

The concert itself was brilliant! During the concert students were interviewing people with Parkinson’s about their connections with certain musical pieces. One of them, David, who is an composer, even gave a little taste of one of his new songs.
The atmosphere created by all the musicians was incredible and you could really feel everybody’s excitement.

Prior to the concert, Dawn, Michelle, and Dr Ellen Poliakoff, who have been working together for quite some time now, had given a science talk about their projects making concerts like this one possible. Unfortunatly, their colleague Dr Will Young was not able to join the talk.

Nevertheless, having a pre-concert talk about the research „behind the scenes“ is a great idea, and I really felt like everybody was interested and enjoyed themselves. I think this was partly because most of the attendees had been participating in the online survey, which was the basis of the programme of the concert, designed to find out about the Parkinson’s use of music in their daily life.

I would like to finish this blog report with Antonio’s words saying that it was fantastic „listening to research results“.

Also, please check out the pictures and video below to get a full impression of the evening!


Thank you for reading this blog, and please feel free to leave some comments. I am very interested in your opinion. I can’t wait to keep you posted with all the exciting things going to happen.

Take care and see you for the next read!

Brissago Spring 2022

Ciao cari amici della scienza,  persona interessate e che vorrebbe esserlo!

Während der Woche des 17. Mai waren Dawn, Sabrina und ich im Tessin unterwegs, genauer gesagt in Brissago, um dort in der Clinica Hildebrand gemeinsam mit Dr. Daria Dinacci und Paolo Paolantonio die nächsten Workshops durchzuführen. Doch bevor es losgeht, muss ich euch einfach den Sonnenaufgang von unserem Hotel aus zeigen.

Euer Neid ist an dieser Stell durchaus angebracht 😉 Ich kann mich wirklich glücklich schätzen, so einen atemberaubenden Arbeitsplatz zu haben.

Im Unterschied zu den Workshops in England fanden diese Workshops an vier Tagen statt und es gab kein gemeinsames Mittagessen. Da wir uns in einem klinischen Umfeld befanden und die Patienten einen strikten Tagesablauf hatten, war eine andere Organisation leider nicht möglich. Dennoch hatte ich den Eindruck, dass sich alle trotz der wenigen Möglichkeiten zum persönlichen Austausch wohlfühlten und die Workshops genossen haben. Viele hätten sich tatsächlich mehr Zeit und noch weitere Workshops gewünscht. Dieser Umstand ist vor allem Paolo und seiner grossartigen Präsentation und Leitung der Workshops zu verdanken. Es ist ihm wirklich gelungen, alle in seinen Bann zu ziehen und dafür zu sorgen, dass alle ihren Spass haben. Wie Dawn immer sagt: Paolo ist ein Superstar! Ich freue mich sehr, dass er auch ein Teil des Projekts ist und wir in Zukunft weiter zusammenarbeiten werden.


Auch Daniele, der teilnehmende Musiktherapeut, war grossartig. Die musikalischen Gruppenübungen, die er während des Perkussionsworkshop am Freitag angeleitet hat, fühlten sich fast schon magisch an. Hier ein kleiner Eindruck:

Es hat sich unbeschreiblich schön angefühlt, ein Teil davon zu sein und die Energie zu spüren, die von den Teilnehmern ausgeströmt ist.

Ich freue mich schon sehr auf die Workshops in Luzern, um herauszufinden, ob und welche Unterschiede es zwischen den drei Standorten gibt.


Grazie mille für das Lesen dieses Blogs und hinterlasst sehr gerne Kommentare. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, euch von all den weiteren spannenden Dingen und Erlebnissen zu berichten.

Ciao und bis zum nächsten Lesen!

Coffee Lecture 16.05.2022

Hallo liebe Forschungsfreunde, Interessierte und solche, die es gerne werden möchten!


Am 16. Mai hatten wir das Vergnügen uns und unser Projekt im Rahmen der Coffee Lecture hier am Südpol zu präsentieren. Und sieht das nicht einfach wunderbar aus?


Es war eine grossartige Erfahrung, weil es das erste Mal war, dass wir drei uns gemeinsam als Team allen Kollegen und interessierten Studenten vorstellen konnten und ich glaube, wir haben das ganz gut gemacht. Während der Präsentation gab es spannende Nachfragen und im Anschluss wunderbares Feedback. Es war eine herrliche Stimmung und das lag nicht nur an dem ausgezeichneten Kaffee (An dieser Stelle vielen Dank, Lara 🙂 ). Ich hoffe, dass wir im kommenden Semester wieder eine Coffee Lecture gestalten dürfen, weil wir dann schon erste Ergebnisse präsentieren könnten und dies eine schöne Weiterführung wäre. Sollte das der Fall sein, werde ich euch an dieser Stelle darüber informieren und wenn ihr nicht weit weg seid, kommt doch gerne bei uns vorbei. Die Coffee Lectures sind für alle Interessierten offen und lohnen sich immer! Sie sind sehr spannend und anregend, nicht nur unser Projekt, auch wenn das natürlich eins der spannendsten Themen ist, aber vielleicht bin ich da auch etwas voreingenommen 😉 . Hier  findet ihr das Programm für alle Coffee Lectures im kommenden Semester, schaut gerne vorbei, wir freuen uns!


Vielen Dank für das Lesen dieses Blogs und hinterlasst sehr gerne Kommentare. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, euch von all den weiteren spannenden Dingen und Erlebnissen zu berichten.

Liebe Grüsse und bis zum nächsten Lesen!

Hatfield Spring 2022

Hello dear research friends, enthusiasts and those who would like to become one!


From 25th of April to 6th of May, we have been up in Hatfield, England to do the first steps of our project: a motion capture pilot study and holding the English workshops. And I can tell you it has been an amazing time!

It was Sabrina and mine’s first time visiting the University of Hertfordshire, which I am becoming a PhD student of. The picture below shows the P. C. Snow Building aka the department of ‘Psychology, Sport, and Geography’.


As you can see, following the tradition of good researchers the first thing we did was buying some coffee at the local coffee shop. Of course, it had to be a Starbucks 😉

It was great to finally meet my other supervisors Dr Caroline Whyatt and Dr Lucy Annett in person and having the chance to get to know each other better. They are both amazing researchers, and wonderful and supportive supervisors. I am so happy to work with them and having the chance to learn from them. We’ve also met Alex, the tech genius of the UH, and Jon, the handyman of the UH. Both are an incredible help for the project. Alex helped figuring out how to synchronize the motion capture software with the pressure sensitive gait mat, while Jon built the doorframe we would use for our test sequence measuring the functional mobility of the people with Parkinson’s. Doesn’t it look awesome?


Also, you can tell from the pictures below Dawn and I had a lot of fun doing the calibration of the motion capture cameras by waving the wand (it’s actually a calibration stick, but we prefer calling it a wand because you sort of feel like Harry Potter :-D). Furthermore, I had the pleasure to be the control participant for our pilot study. It felt weird being all stuck up with those little shiny markers for the first time, but by now I am used to it. Actually, it is very funny and interesting seeing and analyzing your movements later on.



The workshops have also been a wonderful experience, not only to me but also to the participants, I think. It was my first time working with people with Parkinson’s and seeing their openness and altruism to contribute something for the next generations of diseased has left me deeply impressed. Those are wonderful, incredible people and I am very grateful to be part of this project and get the chance to help them. I think, organizing a lunch between the workshops was an import part because it gave us all the opportunity for mingling and socializing. To me it was very helpful hearing the people talk about their experiences in general as well as regarding their participation in our workshops particularly. Here are a few impressions:



Jane and Alison, two of the participants, were so kind to invite Dawn and me to Alison’s house to have some coffee and cake. On that day, Dawn and I had driven by Jane’s house to pick her up and she showed us her garden first. Look at this, it felt like THE English garden to me. The coffee and cake were very nice, and I think everybody enjoyed themselves. It was great spending some free time together, getting to know each other some more in an opener space. I am really looking forward to seeing them again in September when we will be coming back for the fifth and final workshop.



Thank you for reading this blog, and please feel free to leave some comments. I am very interested in your opinion. I can’t wait to keep you posted with all the exciting things going to happen.

Take care and see you for the next read!

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