9. März 2025
Unser Level bestehend aus einem Miro Board mit Post-Its

Lightrunner TD Week 2

After an intense first week, we now have an even more intense second week behind us. We made good progress, but still have a lot to do.

The player mechanics, the enemy behavior and the tower mechanics are ready so far. We are currently working on the combination of these mechanics and the UI.

Unser Level bestehend aus einem Miro Board mit Post-Its
Our level is slowly evolving from a post-it hell to a real map
Leveldesign mit Player, Bäumen und Enemies
Current status of level design

On the design side, we are working diligently on level design, modeling of all elements and character animations.

Our tower design
Ein Baum
A tree as you can see

In the end, it was a very intense week and we got a lot of work ahead of us for the last week. We all can’t wait to continue.

Greetings by
Michelle, Nicolas, Mike and Simon

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