9. März 2025

Fourth Week

Started with the starting area from the game, since we got “local fog” which is faked with a postprocessing volume.

Fixing git issues… Tried to commit+push some content from the unreal store which are larger than 100mb. Github Desktop just showed that “some of the files” are larger than 100mb, which makes finding the files which are larger quite…annoying. Fixing that.

Didn’t have enough time to fix the git problem, fixing it now. Instead of trying to push everything at once, i’m going for a different approach this time. I’m sorting out what is below than 100mb with WinDirStat, and pushing everything else. It just takes forever. While uploading to git, I read some stuff and also learned some nice tricks like that you can move temporarly the visual transformation tool by leftclicking and holding the middle mousebutton. This comes in quite handy if someone need to have the transformation tool anywhere else except the default position. I wish I knew this earlier, because if you have to really zoom in and want to move a mesh you quite often don’t see the transformation tool.

We sat together and merged the whole project together. While doing that, we found some problems we haven’t noticed before. So we made a list what we need to fix and what we need to add. We have one day remaining and the list is made for like atleast a week. Gonna be fun.

At the evening, I’ve fixed the lightning in cave2 by changing the materials on the rocks, changing the texture, adding bluelight and deleting the old spotlights with the postprocessing.


Rest of days:
The work was split up between us. Chris created a new material that locates the camera position and projects that to a plane, which we are going to use for a frame. After that he worked on the Start screen. He wanted to it look dark and worked with the lights, and changed different parameters, tried several things. In the background, he added eyes that blink over time, to make it look like a monster in the dark. The Buttons have also been modified with an animation to have a smoother entrance. Also the start level has now an animation at the beginning just to fade it in so that it doesn’t have such a stiff transition from Start Screen to Level. Also, we agreed on a name for our Game, its called somnium.

I’ve fixed Teleportation, moved Teleportation for a better experience, added teleportation for the cave (big one and small one) and fixed some smaller issues.

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