9. März 2025

Fifth Week


I’ve optimized performance by setting lights and meshes to Static Instead of stationary/moveable but also by disabling “Shadowcasting” since our levels isn’t effected by shadows


We again sat together and merged our files together, fixed some bugs, changed some design and lighting and prepared a ToDo list (the longest so far) to work later on.


I’ve fixed some problems and improved the teleportation. Also, I’ve added a triggerbox to change the speed of the character. By placing some broken glass the floor has now even more details.

I also tried to build the game, but some problems occured. Here are the steps to successfully build the game:

1.) creaty empty project without starter content
2.) migrate the needed levels from the project to the empty project
3.) in project settings: change default game map.
4.) if not already done: Be sure to link the Player Controller in the custom Gamemode via
5.) in project settings->maps & modes-> default game mode select our gamemode
6.) Export the Input from the project and import it in the empty project , like explained here:  https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/660071/how-to-migrate-config-input-to-another-project.html
7.) if necessary: uncheck auto exposure and motion blur in the project settings.
8.) Check if movies (ticking clock) are there

Chris fixed several issues regarding the sequence, startscreen, light…in addition to that the complete starting area was created new, that should represent the atmosphere of darkness a bit better. In the Infinite corridor he added the correct pictures, videos and materials and changed the UV mapping of the corridor material itself. Basically, the last few days we polished our Game.

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