innovation interviews – Nicole, Elizabet, Leandro, Rola

– The energy sector is a large and all-encompassing term that describes a complex and inter-related network of companies, directly and indirectly, involved in the production and distribution of energy needed to power the economy and facilitate the means of production and transportation.
– People who work in the energy or the environmental sectors, since they see what happens there every single day, have noticed and are concerned about how they’re killing the planet, especially that they don’t need to be doing that. There’s an issue that they’re also worried about future generations, who will be here when the planet is completely massacred because of what we’re doing now.
– They recommend and encourage everyone to start using solar and power sources for energy.
– They want to see Net zero energy production and they see that it’ll be easier used when it’s more produced.
– They just want to try and save the planet, which won’t happen unless change our ways.
– The challenges have certainly changed in recent years. Cities and municipalities have started to comprehensively renovate their building stock, to provide renewable heat supply or to increase the offer of sustainable mobility (non-motorized traffic, public transport). Many of them are already quite far along.
– They are also trying to support participatory processes in the municipalities to a greater extent in order to achieve a greater impact (also with design thinking, co-creation, living labs, etc.).
– The climate change adaptation topic is being addressed. For example, how to counteract unavoidable changes in the most climate-friendly way possible (avoidance of heat islands, natural cooling, etc.).

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