How to create a place of belonging?

Before I started my studies at the University of Lucerne in Emmen I heard people refer to the municipality as „Emmenbronx“ which definitely gave me a wrong impression of the place. However, when I walked through the town, I realized there was a lot more to the place than I had previously assumed. According to the people I talked to, Emmen has taken a significant stride forward in terms of connecting people and creating a green and welcoming environment. However, a center, such as a place to go with green spaces, cafes, or small shops, is still lacking. Of course, there’s Südpol, which is a great spot to hang out with friends or have a drink in summer, but I wouldn’t say it’s a location where people of various demographics come together.

As I interviewed residents and analyzed the environment, I discovered that most people are unaware that the Emmenpark is public, and that the elderly, in particular, are discouraged from staying in the park because it is mostly used by HSLU students and therefore by the younger generation.

Overall, I believe it would be great to be able to create social cohesion among people of various demographics, such as age, ethnicity, and professional background, in order to foster a sense of belonging and community. Residents may feel more linked to the municipality, and thus more eager to assist in making a change.

By Florine Witzig

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