Energy Innovation Interview Learnings

Through our interviews, we found the sustainable energy technology is already available, but for large companies and governments, it’s seen that there isn’t enough short-term profit margin in taking sustainable action.

We observed that there is a heavy responsibility on the individual, but the effort needs to be led by those with power and funding in order to implement change. Change has to come from a mix of bottom-up and top-down initiatives because individuals do not have the power or money to fix things on their own. Rules and laws have to be implemented with constraints on standards for a new building or facility development. Everything being created or updated must be made for longevity and sustainable practices.

These observations implicate the involvement of design managers, the gap between organizations/government and individuals needs to be bridged, as well as the gap in awareness of long-term and short-term profit. We as design managers are the ones to facilitate the dialogue between corporations, government, and scientists, to incentivize the long-term profits and solutions that come from sustainable development and practices. If we continue the way we are, without government intervention, no substantial difference can be achieved.

If you want to read more about it click here

by: Sylvan, Shaina, Sophie, Naomi

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