24. Oktober 2024

Öffentliches LeCo-Seminar 17. August 2022: Towards Universal Strategies for Opportunistic Pathogen Control in Premises Plumbing (auf Englisch)

17. August 2022, 15 – 16 Uhr (MESZ = UTC + 2h)

Kostenlose online Teilnahme: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83820506307?pwd=clFmYzdjUjd6SXkwdndEbmgxQWtSdz09 (Meeting ID: 838 2050 6307, Passcode: 016197)

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Professor Dr. Amy Pruden (Virginia Tech, USA) wird uns einen Einblick in ihre Forschung im Zusammenhang mit Legionellen und weiteren opportunistischen Krankheitserregern in Trinkwasserinstallationen geben:

While great strides have been made in widely eradicating fecal pathogens from drinking water systems over the past century, opportunistic pathogens; such as Legionella spp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nontuberculous mycobacteria, and various amoebae, present a new generation of challenges.  These organisms are well adapted to the biofilms of the distribution systems and premises (i.e., building) delivering potable water to consumers at the tap.  Here we will discuss the challenges in identifying control strategies that are universally effective for multiple OPs and that can be applied in a variety of settings and scales. 

Das Referat wird auf Englisch gehalten werden.

Eingeladene Referentin: Prof. Dr. Amy Pruden

  • Professor in the Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech
  • Ph.D. Environmental Science, University of Cincinnati, 2002
  • B.S. Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 1997
  • Dr. Pruden’s research seeks to advance water engineering and agricultural practices through deeper understanding of the microbial communities inhabiting these systems.
  • Her team applies a combination of next-generation DNA sequencing and bioinformatic tools to track targets of interest, including opportunistic pathogens, antibiotic resistance genes, and various functional groups of bacteria.