Program of the Conference “Interactive Documentary: Laboratory and Experiment”

The conference “Interactive Documentary: Laboratory and Experiment” will take place at the Lucerne School of Art and Design from February 1st until February 2nd 2024.

Web-based documentaries encourage interaction by offering material to choose from or by showing users different ways to click on and play with the content. Often, a processuality takes precedence over the idea of a fixed end product and the communication of stable, set knowledge. At the same time, such documentaries offer opportunities for comparison. In this way, these projects take on a laboratory character, in which different forms of knowledge emerge in different experimental arrangements.

This experimental character is the focus of our conference. Focusing on three main topics, this conference will pose the question what concrete conditions of the experimental setting can be identified each of which give rise to specific forms of the documentary. These three main topics are:

Actors and Actants, asking about the extensive networks of human and technical entitites that are entangled in experimental interactive documentary settings.

Heterogeneity and Instability, focusing on the frequent use of heterogeneous image material from various sources as well as operative images ultimately leading to a destabilization of images in interactive contexts.

Montage, which is constantly renegotiated due to the intervention of users leading to the location of images between other images varying from reception to reception.

Interested researchers and students are welcome. Participation is free of charge after registration at email hidden; JavaScript is required by January 29, 2024.

Find the program here