from Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle Industriedesigne BA
to Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
BA Object Design

fall semester 2021


Here I fell in love with the mountains. Until now, I’ve only ever lived in flat places, where there were never these omnipresent panoramas, vertical landscapes that tower up on the horizon. Even from the studio, you can observe the play of colors on them. After a year and a half under the influence of the pandemic, breaking out of the familiar environment was also very important for me, so I could gain a different view and new perspectives on me and my future. Object Design was also a fitting topic to reflect on one’s previous work and to process it in a “showreel”. My sketchbooks were a kind of travelogue for me in Switzerland; they depict my time here in drawings, sketches, collections of ideas and notes.