Speculating Voice Assistant Futures


We would like to invite you to participate in the speculative design workshop Speculating Voice Assistant Futures at Interaction Week 23 in Zurich on 28 February 2023. The workshop is informed by the SNF funded 4-year VA-PEPR project which entered its last year in 2023. It will be organised by our team member Aysun Aytac and Mike Shorter, our colleague from the VA-PEPR project as they are both contributing to the project as design researchers.

Congratulations to Aysun, Mike and the VA-PEPR team, who qualified for the Interaction Week 23 where IxDA accepted 9 out of 64 workshop proposals.

The workshop will explore the issue of (mis)trust and confidence in voice assistants for a decentralized future by tackling these questions:
– As designers, how could we (re)define and design our interaction with voice assistants to build trust towards/to have confidence in this device?
– Concerning trust and confidence, what would a possible decentralized future of voice assistants look like?

There will be a set of physical props to hypothesize on our interactions with these powerful devices. Join the workshop to start to speculate, debate and sketch out ideas for futures we want with voice assistants. And along with this explore the ethical, political, economic, environmental and social effects these devices can have on our new futures.

-> To tickets

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


Dear friends, colleagues and collaborators,

The end of another year is always an opportunity to reflect on the things for which we are most grateful. Thank you for everything you do to make a difference in how we as humans relate to each other and to our environment. We look forward to collaborating with you again in 2023.

We wish you joy, love and peace.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a healthy start into the New Year!

Competence Centre Design & Management
Sabine Junginger, Dagmar Steffen, Guillermina Noël, Aysun Aytaç, Aurelio Todisco and Vivien Luong

9th Lucerne Management Forum (LMF) for Public Administration

Since 2014, the Lucerne Management Forum (LMF) for public administration has established itself as a platform for further education and networking on management and leadership issues in the public sector.

Its annual 1-day forum is characterized by the transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience and dialogue. Each presentation is deepened by a moderated discussion with experts and speakers from the field. In a concluding workshop sequence, an individual practical transfer takes place.

This year’s forum takes place in the Hotel Schweizerhof on Thursday, November 24 where Sabine Junginger, head of the Competence Centre Design & Management, will contribute with her talk “Design instead of administration? How design management can support administration?”. She will discuss how principles, methods, processes and practices of design management support leaders in administration and politics in the digital transformation and enable new innovative services.

Follow the link to register.

Aurelio gives keynote at ‘Future Challenges in Design’

Join us this Saturday (25.06.2022) at the panel talk “Future Challenges in Design” where our team member Aurelio Todisco will share his design research work in the VA-PEPR project, focusing on speculation and visualization of future service possibilities. Various keynotes will highlight the current challenges and best practices in design.

The event takes place in the Action Hall at the Viscosi building in Lucerne as part of the Werkschau Design & Kunst 2022 but will be streamed on Zoom. Aurelio’s panel is between 15:00-16:30 (Zurich time).

Click here for other panels and the Zoom link of the event.

Sabine Junginger gives keynote at EIMAD

As an an expert on the principles, methods and processes of human-centred design, the head of our research group Prof. Sabine Junginger, PhD will give a keynote on “How will the New European Bauhaus serve us? How will it prepare design practitioners and design researchers to contribute?” at the 8th EIMAD Conference. Sabine’s research into design theories and design practices relevant to public and private organizations is internationally recognized. In addition, she explores policy-making and policy implementation as activities of design that are especially important to succeed in the digital transformation.

The Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, through Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, promotes the 8th EIMAD – International Meeting of Research in Music, Art and Design, 7-9 July 2022. The Congress will take place in Castelo Branco, Portugal, providing a space for sharing and disseminating research results in areas of Design, Music and Arts.

Rethinking the Home Office as a Co-Working Space: New Directions for Research and Practice

Dr. Aysun Aytac will present their paper “Rethinking the Home Office as a Co-Working Space: New Directions for Research and Practice” at the EURAM 2022 Conference in Winterthur, Switzerland on 16.06.2022 with Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger and Katharina Kleczka . The paper represents the results of the UmUmUm research project. It positions the home office as a human-centered design problem rather than a problem of the individual solo worker. It aims to contribute to a broader understanding of the future home office that builds on the challenges and opportunities it presents as a co-working space. Dr. Aysun Aytac, Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger and Katharina Kleczka argue that a deeper understanding and acknowledgement of the situational aspects of the home office can inform future practices, aid the development of more suitable work-set ups in the home and point to hidden benefits, for example when it comes to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning.

Speak up! Exploring Decentralised Voice Assistant Futures through Speculative Design

Are you into Speculative Design? If yes, then come join us at the Europe’s largest digital society festival “re:publica 22” in Berlin between 8-10 June! Our colleague Dr. Michael Shorter from the VA-PEPR project and E-M LewJong from Comon Voice Mozilla will be conducting a Speculative Design Workshop titled “Speak up! Exploring Decentralised Voice Assistant Futures through Speculative Design” which they designed based on the speculative design phase of the VA-PEPR research project. Our team members Aysun Aytac, PhD and Aurelio Todisco will also be there facilitating this exciting workshop! Join us!

The VA-PEPR research project (Voice Assistants – People, Experiences, Practices, Routines) looks into how voice assistants change our practices and routines in everyday life within the context of Switzerland. This interdisciplinary research project is conducted by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule and Northumbria University under the lead of HSLU School of Art & Design. It is funded by the SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation.

Involving Craft Know-How and Traditions in Design Education – Cases of Switzerland, Turkey and India will be presented at DRS 2022 conference by Bettina Minder, Özlem Er and Shilpa Das








On July 01, 2022, Dr. Bettina Minder will present their paper “Involving Craft Know-How and Traditions in Design Education – Cases of Switzerland, Turkey and India” at the DRS 2022 Bilbao Conference with Özlem Er and Shilpa Das. In this paper, they explore the past and current ways of linking with crafts in design education in three countries with different historical backgrounds and industrialization experiences. They identify some of the notable differences and overlaps in the integration of crafts in design schools in three different countries and show reciprocal influences between crafts and design schools with a modernist tradition.

Designing with and for Artificial Intelligence – How AI changes what we can design and the process we use to design it


As part of the lecture series held by Design Management, International bachelor programme, invited by Dr. Guillermina Noël, UX consultant and adjunct professor of HCI at San Jose State University Daniel Rosenberg will be giving a talk about designing with and for Artificial Intelligence on April 13, 2022.

Daniel Rosenberg is the 2019 recipient of the ACM SigCHI Lifetime Practice Award for his combination of technical and leadership contributions to the HCI field over the past 40+ years. After many decades as an executive in the software industry, he transitioned to his current role as a UX consultant and adjunct professor of HCI at San Jose State University. In his webinar he will share how rapid advances in AI and machine learning are transforming the world in many ways. For the product designer or design strategy practitioner this mega-trend manifests itself in two orthogonal dimensions: AI as a product design material and AI designing the product for you.

Follow this link to register the webinar.

The scenario of proximity – A design-orienting framework for sustainable futures


As part of the lecture series held by Design Management, International bachelor programme, invited by Dr. Guillermina NoëlEzio Manzini will be giving a lecture and present his book “Livable Proximity” on April 12, 2022.

For over three decades, Manzini has been working in the field of design for sustainability. Most recently, his interests have focused on social innovation, considered as a major driver of sustainable changes. In this perspective he started DESIS: an international network of schools of design, active in the field of design for social innovation and sustainability.

In the past century, the spatial organization of modern societies has been dominated by the effects of an idea of efficiency based on specialization and the economy of scale. In the name of efficiency, some areas have specialized: those where to work, those where have fun, those where study, those where go back to sleep. We can refer to all of this as the scenario of distance.

Over time, however, it clearly emerged that the application of this scenario was leading to very serious environmental and social problems. Therefore, since long time some cases appeared in which this model began to clash with other ideas and practices, driven by the need to bring together what had been separated and to reconnect what had been disconnected. That is, to bring services, workplaces and people’s homes closer together. These new ideas and practices, i.e. these social innovations, can be seen as the beginning of a new, emerging scenario: the scenario of proximity.

The lecture discusses this scenario, showing how it has emerged from the grassroots social innovations of the past 20 years, and how, in some large cities, it has become a reference for action, sometimes using the expression ’15-minute city’, with the creation of new proximity systems capable of responding to many, if not all, the daily needs of citizens. The conceptual background on which the lecture is based can be found in: “Design, When Everybody Designs”, MIT Press 2015; “Politics of the Everyday”, Bloomsbury 2019, and “Livable Proximity”, EGEA 2022.

Follow this link to register the webinar.


“Hansli, du bist auf stumm” Artwork by Aurelio Todisco has won the audience award at the Fumetto Comic Competition 2022

Our team member Aurelio Todisco, MA is not only a human-centred design researcher, but also a successful visual artist. His artwork “
Hansli, du bist auf stumm” (Hansli, you are on mute) has been nominated and selected among 884 comic stories all around the world at the international Fumetto Comic Competition 2022 and has won the audience award.


His artwork can be seen along with the other selected comics during the Fumetto Festival (April 2nd -April 10th, 2022) at Kunsthalle Luzern, all created with the theme ‘Superpower‘.


Talk by Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger “Hey Google! Risks and Opportunities of Using Voice Assistants”


Prof. Dr.  Sabine Junginger will give a talk at the 51. Fachveranstaltung organised by Netzwerk Risikomanagement in Olten on March 17, 2022.

In this special event aimed for companies, the important and timely theme of «Risks of social media for companies – what to do?» will be discussed with an interdisciplinary approach from three perspectives. Sabine’s talk titled “Hey Google! Risks and Opportunities of Using Voice Assistants” will provide insights into the use of voice assistants gained through the “Data Network Analysis Study” of the SNSF Sinergia research project VA-PEPR.

Register here until March 9. The event will take place on site and in German.

IxD22 Conference Talk by Dr. Aysun Aytaç and Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger: When Work Life and Everyday Life Interact at Home


On Friday, March 04, 2022, Dr. Aysun Aytaç and Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger are giving a 15-min talk at the online Interaction Week 2022 conference organised by Interaction Design Association (IxDA). In their talk ‘When Work Life and Everyday Life Interact at Home’, they will discuss the home office as shared work space where co-working is the norm, calling on interaction designers to rethink the concept of home office by presenting the results of the Home Office study they conducted in the mandatory home office period.

to the conference


Talk by Sabine Junginger at Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

“The PeopleGov Speaker Series is a set of conversations where academics and practitioners -from the public and private sector – discuss the most pressing topics on people and performance management. Each talk will provide actionable knowledge to address key challenges and opportunities for the public sector. We convene outstanding speakers and an audience of participants with expertise on these subjects to bring together a community of excellence. The PeopleGov Speakers Series is coordinated by Margarita Gómez, the Executive Director of the People in Government Lab“.

In this discussion on Zoom on 03 March 2022, Beth Blauer and Sabine Junginger will explore how to continue the close collaboration between governments and academia as the urgency of the pandemic subsides and the potential power and applications of this collaboration when facing other major challenges within the public service.

Register here to attend

The role of designers in public policies: An empirical perspective from three Chilean experiences

As part of the webinar series held by Design Management, International bachelor programme, invited by Dr. Guillermina Noël, Daniel Moreno will give a talk on March 2, 2022 describing the role of designers as agents of change.

Daniel Moreno is an Economist, has a Master in Urban Development, and is pursuing his PhD in Architecture and Urban Studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile. He works with interdisciplinary teams on multiple urban and territorial planning projects for the Chilean government at different scales. In his webinar, Daniel will address Land-use planning problems and the conflicts generated by the occupation and use of the territory. To develop a more holistic work, designers as agents of change have an important role in the collaborative work that guides the formulation of public policies, responding with comprehensive solutions to complex problems. He will share three Chilean experiences on the value that designers can bring generating methodologies, policies, and tools for the public sector.

Follow this link to register the webinar.

Talk by Dr. Guillermina Noël: Health Design: The New Design Literacies

Dr. Guillermina Noël is invited to give an online talk by Design Literacy International Network. Her talk is entitled Health Design: The New Design Literacies expanding on her article Health Design: Mapping current situations, envisioning next steps which was published by the Design Journal, where she highlights that design for health requires designers to develop new skills and wonders if design programs prepare students to face current healthcare challenges.

Date & Time: 01 March 2022 – 15:00 (CET)

Follow the link to register

Happy Holidays!

Dear friends, colleagues and collaborators,
We look back on another eventful year. 2021 has shown once again that the care and attention we put in the design of products, services, organizations and policies does make a difference in how we as humans relate to each other and to our environment. Thank you for your kindness, mindfulness and dedication to addressing complex issues. We look forward to developing new visions with you in the upcoming year and translating them together into new possibilities. Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Johanna Steffen
Design Research: Interference of Theory and Practice


On 25 November 2021, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Steffen gave a lecture followed by a discussion as part of the lecture series “Research & Design” of the master’s degree program “Transformation Design” at the Faculty of Design at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany. The four-part lecture series focus on questions of what research in the rapidly changing field can look like and what possibilities designers have for producing knowledge.

In her lecture “Design Research: Interference of Theory and Practice”, Dr. Steffen addressed the relationship between the interest in knowledge production and design practice as well as the role of design objects in research.

Other speakers are Judith Dörrenbächer (University of Siegen), Helga Schmid (London College of Communication) and in January 2022, Claudia Mareis (Humboldt University Berlin).

DeSForM 2022 Submissions now Open

As being part of the Steering Committee of DeSForM 2022, our team member Prof. Dr. Dagmar Steffen invites us all to contribute to, collaborate and engage in the 12th International Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement >> DeSForM 2022 Boundles, 06-08 July, Hong Kong.

Papers and workshop proposals can be submitted on the following topics:
01/ Form, interactivity and the human experience
02/ Fashion: Process, Visualizations, Artifacts and Beyond
03/ Innovation in product and service design
04/ Wearables and alternative skins

More info on the website.

Invitation to Design Research Methods Festival 2021

We are proud to announce the contribution of our Deputy Head Bettina Minder and our colleague Ute Klotz to the annual Design Research Methods Festival of the Bern University of the Arts | Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB) Master Design which is dedicated to approaches and methods relevant to design and to design research ? Their workshop is among many other interesting ones, titled DESIGN FICTION – PLAYFUL UN-LEARNING AND ACTING CREATIVELY TOGETHER, on Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 13:30–16:30 ? Click here for more info and registration.

Project by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Steffen gets acceptance in P-8 Programme

“analog_digital: Digitalisation opportunities in compelling presence formats in design, music, and technology” has been funded by the P-8 Enhancing Digital Skills in Teaching programme.

swissuniversities announced the programme for the period 2021 to 2024 to promote the digitalisation of teaching in the universities. Lecturers and researchers from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), the University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PH Luzern) and the Schwyz University of Teacher Education (PH Schwyz) were invited to submit project ideas on the following topics: Digital presence, digital cooperation in teaching, digital professional reality, digital laboratories, workshops, practice and rehearsal rooms, and digital proof of competence.

Dagmar’s project will be completed in 2022 and led by her together with colleagues from HSLU School of Art and Design, Music and Engineering and Architecture. The aim is to find out whether and how teaching can be made digital which until now has been largely or completely and compulsorily tied to the presence of students and teaching staff in the workshops, studios, and practice rooms of the university. The newly developed teaching concepts will be tested and evaluated. The outcomes and findings of the project will be published on a website.

Invitation to Seminar by Aysun Aytac

Poster designed by Canberk Yurt

You are kindly invited to the Online Design Seminar series held by the Department of Industrial Design, Izmir Institute of Technology. Aysun Aytac will be presenting the data gathering method used in the in-home studies of the VA-PEPR project at the 5th session of the series which will be on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 15:00 (CEST). Her presentation is titled “Power to the People: Using Mobile Diary Apps to Collect Ethnographic Data”.

Join the seminar at the Microsoft Teams Faculty of Architecture Digital Conference Hall 02 with the Teams Code: xt1awhy

Farewell and Congratulations to Claire!

Meet the FULL FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR Claire Florence Weizenegger! Our former intern, studying her last semester at Design Management, International bachelor’s degree program at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts under the head of Guillermina Noël, is granted with the Top Scholar Award by the University of Washington; accepted to the highly selective Master of Design program. The grant includes full support from the university which also gives Claire the opportunity to teach undergraduate courses. Congratulations Claire! ? We are so proud of you! ? You deserved it! ? We wish you the best! ?

New Team Member

We are pleased to announce that Aurelio Todisco has joined the team as a Research Associate.  

Aurelio holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Liechtenstein (2017) and a master’s degree in design from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (2020). In his master’s thesis, he explored design in a socio-political context and examined the situation of Sans-Papiers (illegal immigrants) in Switzerland as a case study. His practical final project Lucerne for All is a human-centred design project that aims to improve the living conditions of refugees in Lucerne, including Sans-Papiers. With the project Lucerne for All, Aurelio won the 2020 Master of Arts in Design Award. The award was presented jointly by Luzern Design, Swiss Design Transfer and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. 

Aurelio has also been working as freelance designer and illustrator for several years. In addition to producing numerous illustration projects, he planned and implemented the Pop-up Art Library Zug at the Zug Art Night on behalf of the Amt für Kultur Zug and the Bibliothek Zug. The Pop-up Art Library Zug allows visitors to borrow artworks free of charge for six months.  

** Zoom Webinar** Design Education: Moving the Conversation to the Schools – Part IV

18 February 2021, Thursday, 18:00 Zurich – CET  (UTC/GMT+1)


In November 2018, Dr. Guillermina Noël started a conversation with Ken Friedman, Donald Norman and Jorge Frascara that resulted in the idea of a She Ji Special Issue on Design Education. Their goal was to provide actionable information to help people implement positive change in design education. The issue presents reflections from leaders and educators in the field; their decisions, practices, perspectives, lessons learned and recommendations for action. It demonstrates that design education is full of potential.

This is the last episode of four-part webinar series to move the conversation from the paper to the school, moderated by Competence Centre Design & Management member Dr. Guillermina Noël.

18:00–18:05 Brief introduction

18:05–18:30 Discussion 1

Stan Ruecker & Juan de la Rosa discuss their article “Expanding Knowledge about the Past and Preferred Futures Using Systemic, Values-Based Mapping” with Liz Gerber, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University, and Jorge Hirter Design Management, International Bachelor programme, HSLU School of Art and Design.

18:30–18:55 Discussion 2

Juliette Cezzar discusses her article “Teaching the Designer of Now: A New Basis for Graphic and Communication Design Education” with Lesley-Ann Noel Associate Director for Design Thinking for Social Impact at Tulane University, USA; and Nora Jeanrenaud bachelor student at the Design Management, International programme, HSLU School of Art and Design.

18:55–19:20 Q&A

19:20–19:30 Closing by Ken Friedman & Guillermina Noël

Please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required for the webinar link.

Holiday Greetings

May this holiday season bring you joy and remind you of all the good things in life – Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a healthy start into the New Year!


Info Days 2020 – Design Management, International Bachelor’s Degree Programme









Want to find out more about HSLU Design Management, International (DMI) bachelor’s degree programme? On 20 and 21 November, in 4 separate sessions, the head of the DMI programme, also our team member Guillermina Noël will introduce this BA programme with students who are already enrolled in the programme, followed by Q&A sessions. Click below to register this event organised within the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Art and Design Info Days 2020.
20 November: at 12:00 and at 18:00 (CET – Zurich time)
21 November: at 10:00 and at 14:00 (CET – Zurich time)
Register here.

Craft Round Tables at Future Forum Lucerne 2020: This year’s motto; ‘More of Less’

The Future Forum Lucerne 2020 offered our research associate Dr. Bettina Minder and her ITC project Craft Round Tables the opportunity to explore the potential of manual and craft methods for the challenges of digital transformation. She tested various methods with motivated participants in three workshops. First Andrea Kumpe (HSLU School of Music) introduced participants to how to practice techniques from the field of music. Then Ewald Trachsel (HSLU School of Art & Design) challenged them with techniques from the field of carving, and finally an improvisation workshop with Marcel Altherr (HSLU School of Computer Science and Information Technology) and Alain Hofer (musician / Bern) followed.

All workshops were analysed immediately after the exercises together with the participants. ‘Openness’ emerged as an important topic: One participant said that the workshop enabled her to “move somewhere else” and “leave behind fixed ideas”. The topic of trust (e.g. in one’s own strengths and possibilities) was also frequently mentioned in the analysis. With regard to the communication of such non-disciplinary methods, the importance of a good ‘story’ and the use of technical/analytical terms in the moderation of the workshops became apparent.

The Craft Round Tables test series will be continued in autumn with a course for students at HSLU School of Computer Science and Information Technology. Special thanks go to the Vice Dean of HSLU School of Computer Science and Information Technology Ursula Sury who made the workshops at the Future Forum Lucerne possible.

Digital Transformation in Municipal Administration – Cooperation between Research and Teaching




How do you bring ‘Digital Switzerland’ to life, which was approved by the Federal Council as a strategic goal in 2016?

How does a digital Switzerland actually look like?
What opportunities does this open up for public administrations?

As the Competence Centre Design & Management (CC D&M), we pursue these questions within the framework of a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Emmen. As the researchers at CC D&M support the graduate and undergraduate education at HSLU School of Art & Design, they try to involve the students in this cooperation as well.

Design researcher Dr. Bettina Minder (CC D&M), together with the Municipality of Emmen and the head of the BA Digital Ideation programme, designed a three-week module on the topic of ‘Digital Transformation in the Municipality of Emmen’. Using design methods, the students are to develop visions for the future; how the community can benefit from the digital transformation and develop innovatively. Their tasks include identifying those affected and decision-makers (‘stakeholder’ and ‘user’ groups) as well as articulating and visualizing their situations and resulting needs. The goal is to develop a better and more realistic understanding of the topic in order to show students future fields of work in which the development of innovative concepts for technology-driven societal change and social innovation are highlighted.