Speak up! Exploring Decentralised Voice Assistant Futures through Speculative Design

Are you into Speculative Design? If yes, then come join us at the Europe’s largest digital society festival “re:publica 22” in Berlin between 8-10 June! Our colleague Dr. Michael Shorter from the VA-PEPR project and E-M LewJong from Comon Voice Mozilla will be conducting a Speculative Design Workshop titled “Speak up! Exploring Decentralised Voice Assistant Futures through Speculative Design” which they designed based on the speculative design phase of the VA-PEPR research project. Our team members Aysun Aytac, PhD and Aurelio Todisco will also be there facilitating this exciting workshop! Join us!

The VA-PEPR research project (Voice Assistants – People, Experiences, Practices, Routines) looks into how voice assistants change our practices and routines in everyday life within the context of Switzerland. This interdisciplinary research project is conducted by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule and Northumbria University under the lead of HSLU School of Art & Design. It is funded by the SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation.