Global Wanderlust: Exploring the World at 18

Stepping into adulthood at 18, I found myself at a crossroads filled with excitement, uncertainty, and a burning desire for adventure. Never having traveled alone before, the prospect of stepping into the unknown was both exhilarating and daunting. With aspirations of furthering my education, I …

Zermatt Insider Guide Tip: 4 Night Out

This complete guide will help you find your favorite bar to make unforgettable memories with your friends drinking and enjoying good vibes with good people. For most Swiss that I know, drinking is a passion, their delight, and apart of their culture. They drink together, …

INTO THE UNKOWN (with a bit of privilege) ?

“Our Bali Life Is Yours” “The island has been amazing because of our elevated lifestyle at a much lower cost of living. I was paying US$1,300 for my LA studio. Now I have a treehouse for US$400.” — Jan 16, 2021 It’s that easy to start a shitstorm on Twitter. After publishing a thread of…

Asking Digital Nomads Why They Don’t Get a Real Job ?

You might think that in 2021 working remotely is nothing out of the ordinary anymore.  Nevertheless, people living a digital nomad life often encounter many misunderstandings when transiting to the still somewhat unconventional way of life.  Most people separate work and travel. They work full-time to save up money to go on a vacation (or…

Co-Living With a Bunch of Digital Nomads ? (Part 2)

On a mild mid-April evening, eight people gathered for dinner on a spacious terrace overlooking the Atlantic ocean. Chill electronic beats fulfill the air and warm smiles are being exchanged. While the sun is slowly setting, and the sky takes on a warm tone of orange, salads, baked sweet potatoes, and honey marinated tofu alongside a…

From Students to Global Citizens! ?

I grew up in a tiny village in the countryside of Switzerland, where everyone knows everyone by sight, by name, by kids, by vehicle, or even by pet. The same children were in all of my classes for years, and there wasn’t much diversity, if any at all.  Fast forward to last Tuesday evening; I’m…

Climate Conscious Flying? ✈️

Although in the middle of one crisis, another one can’t be forgotten. Forests are burning, cities are flooded, glaciers are shrinking, and coral reefs are dying; see them before they disappear?  A few years ago, previous generations were bragging about airplane kilometers flown and countries visited, but what once was an achievement has matured to become a…