How Hoteliers Turn Crisis Into Opportunity

Hello dear readers, we are slowly getting closer to the end of the blogpost series about the hospitality industry. In today’s post, you will learn about the ways how hospitality and tourism-related companies deal with the current challenging situation with success. One of the biggest …

Marketing and Strategies in Times of Coronavirus

Campaigns had to be reinvented, but certain trends have been repeated recurrently in creativity. The pandemic and quarantine we have faced recently led brands to change their marketing and advertising strategies. Companies around the world were forced to react to this situation and redefine their …

How Emotional Marketing impacts on consuming…

Hi! once again around here, In my first blog I wrote about Love Brands, which are those brands that position themselves through emotional way among consumers, achieving loyalty with every purchase. Loyal consumers will always be there, demanding for more products, better discounts, more advertising, …