The End of my Vegan Journey?

As my vegan semester comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the experiences that have shaped this chapter of my life. While the environmental and ethical benefits of veganism have been strong motivators, the practical challenges I’ve faced have also taught me valuable …

Eating on the go in Lucerne

I have been living vegan for a while now. While I am still adjusting to my new form of living there is a particularly big challenge which I have yet to master: eating on the go. Before turning vegan I could just walk in to …

7-Minute Vegan Bacon

Long before I decided to go vegan, bacon was a staple in my breakfast routine and a beloved addition to my burgers. The smoky, savory flavor and crispy texture were hard to beat. But when I transitioned to a plant-based lifestyle, I knew I had …

Vegetarian Fast Food Delights in Lucerne! ??

Attention, all vegetarian and plant-based food enthusiasts in Lucerne! If you’re looking for a quick and delicious fast food experience that caters to your dietary preferences, look no further. Lucerne has a variety of fantastic options for you to explore, and today we’re highlighting three amazing places that offer delightful variations of Planted, a popular…

Fitter mit Fitness und plant-based Food? Lauras Geschichte.

In meinem ersten Blogpost habe ich bereits erzählt wie ich zum Fitnesstraining und der veganen Ernährung gekommen bin und warum dies für mich in meinem Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Nun durfte ich mit Laura (ausgebildete Fitnesstrainerin und angehende Ernährungsfachwirtin) ein Interview führen über ihre …