People in a very good mental state during the pandemic. Really?!

Let’s talk about fitness! To work efficiently and effectively from home we need to be fit. Therefore, this topic is of high relevance for each employee and should not be neglected by employers. A large topic which will cover the next blog posts – each of them deals with a specific aspect of fitness. The…

«Alles Schlechte hat etwas Gutes!» – auch zu Zeiten von Covid-19?

Ein Zitat von Jon Cohens, welches zum Thema dieses Blogposts kaum zutreffender sein könnte. Die Covid-19 Pandemie erreichte im Februar 2020 die Schweiz (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, 2020), seither hat sich unser Leben massgeblich verändert: soziale Kontakte sind eingeschränkt, Reisen verboten, Veranstaltungen abgesagt, Läden mussten schliessen und es gilt eine Homeoffice Pflicht. Was ist nun das…

How Subaru Paved the Way for Automotive LGBT Marketing

Let’s take a trip back to the 1990s. Rachel and Ross, Britney and Justin, MTV, Sony Discmans, Slime, Tamagotchis, Yo-Yos, VHS tapes, … It was a fun decade. One brand wasn’t having a great decade, though. Subaru’s sales were in steep decline. Although the small …

10 Steps to LGBT-Inclusify Your Business

In a previous post, I’ve told you all about Rainbow-Washing, and why you’ll want to avoid painting your business in rainbow colors if there’s nothing to back up your claim of inclusiveness. However, making your business LGBT-inclusive isn’t easy and certainly doesn’t happen overnight. If …

How To Find LGBT-Inclusive Businesses

When you make a large investment, say more than $ 1,000, what do you look for in a corporation? Maybe you want them to be environmentally friendly (or at least conscious), maybe you want them to pay equal wages to all genders, maybe you just …

How To Celebrate Pride During a Global Pandemic

June is almost here – you probably know what that means: Rainbows everywhere! Stores, windows, corporate Twitter profile pictures, crosswalks, entire streets, and even buildings glow in beautiful, celebratory colors. Every year, there’s parades, celebrations, parties, and – yes – equal rights manifestations that aren’t …

Blockchain in Online Education

Hi, here you are, again connected to the Blockchain news channel. Have you already had enough of isolation? Are you looking for hugs? Hugs are normally free of charge but in time of coronavirus pandemic they are scarce resources. Don’t want to scare you but …