Cultural association of colours in Marketing

Colours are always associated with different emotions and moods. Many factors influence people and what makes them prefer one brand over another. Yes, subjectivity certainly plays an important role, but there is more: every company must consider not only personal preferences, but also and above …

Colour psychology in websites

The success of a website is influenced by many factors. Among these, colours play a key role: if used in a smart way, they can make the user navigation smoother and more pleasant, and they can let the visitor stay longer – and even make …

Colour psychology in Email marketing

When preparing an email, we tend to focus a lot on the text, often neglecting the importance of good visual elements, which are basically what captures the reader’s attention once the email is opened. Among these visual elements, colour is the most significant attribute, which …

Brands that got the colour right

Well begun is half done. Isn’t it? Choosing the right colour in the brand creation phase is essential to influencing future customers and establishing the first relationships with them. Relationships that result in emotions that the costumer unconsciously feels, thanks to the evocative power of …

DIY – Wandfarben und ihre Wirkung

Sind deine Wände bei dir Zuhause immer noch weiss und möchtest du einmal etwas Neues ausprobieren? Oder hast du bereits schon farbige Wände, aber Lust auf eine Veränderung? Dann bist du bei „all about a coloured wall“ genau richtig. Farben können einen Einfluss auf dich …

?Pink your Life up!

♥ Hi, liebe Food Lovers ♥ Diese Woche ging es “pinkig” zu und her! Pink ? ist für mich eine so unglaubliche lebendige, frohe und aufmunternde Farbe! Deshalb das heutige Motto dazu: “Pink your Life up!” Sobald ich etwas Pinkes entdecke, zieht mich die Farbe direkt an, …